We are having a 9S 12DAYS special of "Would you rather?"
Copy out the options you would rather...
WOULD YOU RATHER have to hear Rifla singing “Jingle Bells” every day for a week
OR… have to sing it yourself?
WOULD YOU RATHER make presents for your 9S friends or
OR… buy presents for your 9S friends?
WOULD YOU RATHER have the seasonal Krampus events ingame
OR… not have seasonal content, and instead have new content as our xmas present?
WOULD YOU RATHER have Krampus for a friend
OR… Hel for a friend
WOULD YOU RATHER have mistletoe hanging in our 9S Headquarters
OR… an inventory full of Malevolent Snowflakes?
WOULD YOU RATHER have Christmas tree tinsel for hair
OR… wear the same Pajama Onesie for the whole of the event?
WOULD YOU RATHER recieve the Secondhand Y-fronts/Secondhand Bloomers as a present
OR… Worn Plain Socks, Ugly?
WOULD YOU RATHER live in a giant gingerbread house
OR… ride on the Polar Express