12Days: 9S Xmas Would you Rather?

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12Days: 9S Xmas Would you Rather?

Post by Katelin »

In the hopes of getting to know your weirdness all a little better...
We are having a 9S 12DAYS special of "Would you rather?"

Copy out the options you would rather...

WOULD YOU RATHER have to hear Rifla singing “Jingle Bells” every day for a week
OR… have to sing it yourself?

WOULD YOU RATHER make presents for your 9S friends or
OR… buy presents for your 9S friends?

WOULD YOU RATHER have the seasonal Krampus events ingame
OR… not have seasonal content, and instead have new content as our xmas present?

WOULD YOU RATHER have Krampus for a friend
OR… Hel for a friend

WOULD YOU RATHER have mistletoe hanging in our 9S Headquarters
OR… an inventory full of Malevolent Snowflakes?

WOULD YOU RATHER have Christmas tree tinsel for hair
OR… wear the same Pajama Onesie for the whole of the event?

WOULD YOU RATHER recieve the Secondhand Y-fronts/Secondhand Bloomers as a present
OR… Worn Plain Socks, Ugly?

WOULD YOU RATHER live in a giant gingerbread house
OR… ride on the Polar Express

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Re: 12Days: 9S Xmas Would you Rather?

Post by Katelin »

I am useless at singing, so I choose Rifla to sing for me!

I would rather make presents, I love getting glue and glitter all over the place.

I would rather have a present!

Hard choice here, Krampus gets to be my friend - then I can help him with the odd sock problem.

I would rather have mistletoe in our HQ! Damn snowflakes all over the place.

I would love tinsel hair :p


I would love to ride the polar express.. as long as it is the polar express with Tom Hanks, and doesnt mysteriously turn into Snowpiercer.
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.

Re: 12Days: 9S Xmas Would you Rather?

Post by Cassar »

WOULD YOU RATHER have to hear Rifla singing “Jingle Bells” every day for a week
OR… have to sing it yourself?
I choose Rifla because I cannot sing and also I feel like this would be torment for him.

WOULD YOU RATHER make presents for your 9S friends or
OR… buy presents for your 9S friends?
Buy, because I don't make things that would be of interest to anyone else.

WOULD YOU RATHER have the seasonal Krampus events ingame
OR… not have seasonal content, and instead have new content as our xmas present?
Both would be new to me, but I'll choose the greater good and say new content.

WOULD YOU RATHER have Krampus for a friend
OR… Hel for a friend
Neither? Haven't met them

WOULD YOU RATHER have mistletoe hanging in our 9S Headquarters
OR… an inventory full of Malevolent Snowflakes?
Mistletoe, inventory space is gold dust in this game.

WOULD YOU RATHER have Christmas tree tinsel for hair
OR… wear the same Pajama Onesie for the whole of the event?
The choice of wearing some unusual clothing or suffering a horrible hair mutation? The onesie, clearly.

WOULD YOU RATHER recieve the Secondhand Y-fronts/Secondhand Bloomers as a present
OR… Worn Plain Socks, Ugly?
Socks are far less dangerous.

WOULD YOU RATHER live in a giant gingerbread house
OR… ride on the Polar Express
Train, if only because I have a normal house to return to.
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Re: 12Days: 9S Xmas Would you Rather?

Post by Waspstar »

WOULD YOU RATHER have to hear Rifla singing “Jingle Bells” every day for a week
OR… have to sing it yourself?

A: I would like us to do a duet every day for a week. In fact, for the rest of our lives, why not.

WOULD YOU RATHER make presents for your 9S friends or
OR… buy presents for your 9S friends?

A: I would like to buy them a collective present. And the present would be a team-building week away in a gothic castle surrounded by werewolves, with a cast of z-list celebrities playing out a murder mystery in which the winner gets to dance all night with either William Shatner or a micro pig.

WOULD YOU RATHER have the seasonal Krampus events ingame
OR… not have seasonal content, and instead have new content as our xmas present?

A: I've never done this event. New content, probably.

WOULD YOU RATHER have Krampus for a friend
OR… Hel for a friend

A: n/a - see above

WOULD YOU RATHER have mistletoe hanging in our 9S Headquarters
OR… an inventory full of Malevolent Snowflakes?

A: I would like to have the mistletoe stapled to my forehead please.

WOULD YOU RATHER have Christmas tree tinsel for hair
OR… wear the same Pajama Onesie for the whole of the event?

A: I'll have the tinsel hair. Wearing the same outfit for more than one full day would be intolerable hygiene-wise. But I've nothing against onesies per se. I own a snowman onesie, actually. It's very comfortable and roomy...even a little stylish in its own way.

WOULD YOU RATHER recieve the Secondhand Y-fronts/Secondhand Bloomers as a present
OR… Worn Plain Socks, Ugly?

A: None. I refuse and delete them all.

WOULD YOU RATHER live in a giant gingerbread house
OR… ride on the Polar Express

A: I don't know what the Polar Express is, but I would like to live in a gingerbread house. I love ginger and gingerbread. Of course, it wouldn't take me long to eat the house. So, ultimately, by choosing that option I'd be consciously engineering my own downfall, because I'd soon end up homeless and destitute. A wonderful metaphor for my life, in fact. How soon can I move in please? I'm anxious to make sure it doesn't go past its sell-by date.
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Re: 12Days: 9S Xmas Would you Rather?

Post by Fractalis »

WOULD YOU RATHER have to hear Rifla singing “Jingle Bells” every day for a week
OR… have to sing it yourself?

I would totally have Rifla sing it. This will certainly be as monotonous and boring as the music we have here in supermarkets; but at least it would be from a cabal mate, trying to entertain his in-game friends.

WOULD YOU RATHER make presents for your 9S friends or
OR… buy presents for your 9S friends?

I would definitely buy them. I am extremely poor at building things; were I to do it, the present would be in not giving the result to them.

WOULD YOU RATHER have the seasonal Krampus events ingame
OR… not have seasonal content, and instead have new content as our xmas present?

New content instead. I have run Krampus many times in TSW, and while hunting him in every map is fun, having the same event every same year feels a bit too the same. Also, we've been promised the Congo for a good number of years already, and I want to know what Marquard and Beaumont are up to.

WOULD YOU RATHER have Krampus for a friend
OR… Hel for a friend

Now, this is a tough one. Maybe Hel? She has a worse temper, but she's harder to summon; so on the whole, I would be able to live in peace for longer periods of time between encounters? Krampus is simply everywhere and always eager to kick people in the pants.

WOULD YOU RATHER have mistletoe hanging in our 9S Headquarters
OR… an inventory full of Malevolent Snowflakes?

I'd have the mistletoe, of course. I'm fighting everyday with inventory space, trying to upgrade several sets of gear and slowly replacing talismans and weapons with better ones. Oh, and there's already all that space used for glyphs and signets.

Also, I have no idea where the 9S headquarters are. Probably in London, with other Templar buildings? In that case, it's a no-brainer: I am from the Dragon and not allowed in Templar premises.

WOULD YOU RATHER have Christmas tree tinsel for hair
OR… wear the same Pajama Onesie for the whole of the event?

I do not own a pajama onesie, so this would leave me with the option of tree tinsel for hair. I also do not know what tinsel is (Merriam? Merriam, where are you?), so this would be both a surprise and a new experience. I just hope it does not scratch or tickle.

WOULD YOU RATHER recieve the Secondhand Y-fronts/Secondhand Bloomers as a present
OR… Worn Plain Socks, Ugly?

For some reason I fail to understand, I am already the ashamed owner of both of these items. They are lost in a dark and remote place of my wardrobe, away from all other clothes so that they do not spoil them with their ugly looks and smell; and I am trying my best to forget about them.

Still, I have a question: am I allowed to wash these items? I'm never going to wear them, of course (their cut is just terrible and their color uninteresting), but explaining why you have a dirty pair of socks is less embarassing than doing the same for second-hand bloomers. Second-hand bloomers? Eww...

WOULD YOU RATHER live in a giant gingerbread house
OR… ride on the Polar Express

They say that between two evils, you should choose the one you do not already know. I cannot say I have lived in a gingerbread house, but I have heard this child story, and gingerbread smells and tastes too nice for me to resist the temptation of eating it forever. So, whatever it is, the Polar Exress?

Wait... Who are the other passengers of that train? White bears? Zombies? Ghosts? I hope it's not broccoli...
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Re: 12Days: 9S Xmas Would you Rather?

Post by Waspstar »

Fractalis wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 10:18 pm
Wait... Who are the other passengers of that train? White bears? Zombies? Ghosts? I hope it's not broccoli...[/i]
Now I'm going to have nightmares!
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Re: 12Days: 9S Xmas Would you Rather?

Post by xzreasel »

WOULD YOU RATHER have to hear Rifla singing “Jingle Bells” every day for a week
OR… have to sing it yourself?

I would like to hear Rifla singing, you definitely don't want to hear me singing :lol:
WOULD YOU RATHER make presents for your 9S friends or
OR… buy presents for your 9S friends?

I would rather make presents, I've been making jewelry for several years so maybe it wouldn't have turned out badly :)

WOULD YOU RATHER have the seasonal Krampus events ingame
OR… not have seasonal content, and instead have new content as our xmas present?

New conten't for sure, i really want to see Congo :)

WOULD YOU RATHER have Krampus for a friend
OR… Hel for a friend

Definitely Hel, having godess of the underworld as friend sounds like a lot of fun :)

WOULD YOU RATHER have mistletoe hanging in our 9S Headquarters
OR… an inventory full of Malevolent Snowflakes?

Mistletoe is my choice, i will be willing to assasinate Santa if its mean more inventory space for me ;p

WOULD YOU RATHER have Christmas tree tinsel for hair
OR… wear the same Pajama Onesie for the whole of the event?

I think i would like Christmas tree tinsel for hair, i don't like Pajamas

WOULD YOU RATHER recieve the Secondhand Y-fronts/Secondhand Bloomers as a present
OR… Worn Plain Socks, Ugly?

Socks are safer choice in my opinion.

WOULD YOU RATHER live in a giant gingerbread house
OR… ride on the Polar Express

Definitely Polar Express, if i have giant gingerbread house i will become homeless in few days, because I won't be able to stop myself from eating it xd

As for broccoli, you are safe from them if you have cauliflower with you. They think it's a ghost and run away xd
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Re: 12Days: 9S Xmas Would you Rather?

Post by Waspstar »

Haha -- love the cartoon
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Re: 12Days: 9S Xmas Would you Rather?

Post by Fractalis »

That picture is pure genius! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: 12Days: 9S Xmas Would you Rather?

Post by Xaoti »

WOULD YOU RATHER have to hear Rifla singing “Jingle Bells” every day for a week
OR… have to sing it yourself?
Rifla all the way :P
WOULD YOU RATHER make presents for your 9S friends or
OR… buy presents for your 9S friends?
I would buy everyone a rifle of sworn revenge each... hypothetically :)
WOULD YOU RATHER have the seasonal Krampus events ingame
OR… not have seasonal content, and instead have new content as our xmas present?
Easy answer: new content!
WOULD YOU RATHER have Krampus for a friend
OR… Hel for a friend
Probably Hel, I hear she likes snowball fights
WOULD YOU RATHER have mistletoe hanging in our 9S Headquarters
OR… an inventory full of Malevolent Snowflakes?
Mistletoe, since I'm an incorrigible romantic :P
WOULD YOU RATHER have Christmas tree tinsel for hair
OR… wear the same Pajama Onesie for the whole of the event?
Can I have both? fun and comfy at the same time
WOULD YOU RATHER recieve the Secondhand Y-fronts/Secondhand Bloomers as a present
OR… Worn Plain Socks, Ugly?
I guess the socks... would be the least disturbing of the options :P
WOULD YOU RATHER live in a giant gingerbread house
OR… ride on the Polar Express
Never trust giant gingerbread houses. I'm going with the polar express :)
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