I have been in Facility only once so far, that was my 4th Nightmare actually. I was feeling pretty much useless back then as healer though. But I love the dungeon itself for its original fights and atmosphere. Its usually done with 4 dps and healtank or in the first fight also 5 dps. I would like to get some people to do this dungeon regularly. Maybe every two or three days at least. I think its good to have at least someone with us who has beaten the dungeon before and knows it well. While I have also beaten it before in a fashion, its more like it was beaten for me

The main difference to Elite for the first four is that you get buffed to 50k by anima machines and I am not sure if that counts for all of them but in some fights you also get a combat power buff just like in Darkness War 6. This makes the fights really strategic and interesting, as each working anima machine is your "safe spot". And of course the bosses, except the first one, are also harder through added new mechanics. The first one is actually easier than in Elite, and thus one quick Black Bullion ^^.
Unfortunately, Facility has some higher gear requirements. It says that 600 Hit +Fever Pitch are sufficient, but 800+ is basically the hard cap. The problem here is that two bosses retaliate glances with 1000 damage and with fever Pitch you dont have 0% glance... I would provide myself as healtank and dps or also healer if needed. It would be advantageous to have at least one more who can fill a role other than dps, just in case healing is not sufficent, for instance. Also Rocket Jump is more than nice to have in this dungeon

The dungeon is more or less a dps check, yes. But if you have 10.1/10.2 drop gear and a good build you should be fine.
Just post if you are interested. I am usually on in the evening which may start at 17:00 GMT or something around that.