Nine Swords and the Eight-Headed Serpent (Sat. Afternoon RP, recurring)

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Re: Cryptozoolgy in the Secret World (Museum RP, recurring)

Post by Reviled »

So, will this event overlap with the Sharpening the Swords event, or happen immediately afterward?

Put another way, does one have to pick which of these to attend?
“He attacked everything in life with a mix of extraordinary genius and naive incompetence, and it was often difficult to tell which was which.” - Douglas Adams
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Re: Cryptozoolgy in the Secret World (Museum RP, recurring)

Post by Tess-Bett »

We will always schedule events, especially like this, so that they will not overlap. I will be doing US timezone StB for sure and I know that I for sure will never schedule at the same time as anyone else.
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Re: Cryptozoolgy in the Secret World (Museum RP, recurring)

Post by Hit-Parade »

This was my fault for not updating the repeating-event thing in the calendar. That has been corrected now. My apologies for any confusion!
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Re: Nine Swords and the Eight-Headed Serpent (Sat. Afternoon RP, recurring)

Post by Hit-Parade »

Here is the full log from Saturday's session, along with the players present looking (allegedly) badass!

[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette nurses her coffee, looking around idly. "This really is crappy coffee. If we do another charity run, we should bring them actual good stuff."
[12:08] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri shrugs. As usual she seems to have a full breakfast spread with her.
[12:09] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She looks towards Dennison. "So, tell me a little more about your interests?"
[12:09] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: A sound of the motorbike engine is clearly heard. Soon enough, a bike and its owner both ride into the facility. The man parks up near the police car.
[12:09] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: The egg is being more troublesome today.
[12:10] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "What the hell...?"
[12:10] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Hmm?" He looks up, startled from his train of thought. "Oh, killing, mostly. I was a minister before the bee, but now? Most of my hobbies revolve around violence."
[12:11] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She smirks, but good-naturedly. "That sounds almost like a comic book villain origin. No offense intended."
[12:11] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Not the way I saw my life going, but looking at these people, in this town? It's hard to work up any self-pity."
[12:11] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Reasonable enough."
[#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette glances at Yuri, to see her reaction to the observation. Aloud, she says, "Probably nothing pretty."
[12:13] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: The man dismounts his machine, looking briefly towards the three. He'd slowly approach them. He's dressed up in leathers, head to toes. A flak vest is visible under his leather jacket, and two pistol holsters are firmly attached to his belt.
[12:13] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Hey guys."
[12:13] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Wait..." She looks in the direction of the bike, and its rider. "Hey there..."
[12:14] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Ah, hi, Laurell." She relaxes fractionally
[12:14] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: The man nods towards the woman adressing him. "Hey. I take it you're the cats I was supposed to assist today?"
[12:14] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Tell me about it. The shell isn't peeling off nice, just one little bit at a time, and... the little bubble isn't at the bottom?! It's kind of at the side-argh!" But finally she seems to manage to get it peeled.
[12:14] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Just a little crunching ensues as bits of shell get eaten as well.
[12:15] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Oh hey, the security team seems to have really grown."
[12:15] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I'm glad you're winning the battle against the egg," she teases Yuri
[12:16] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Sure looks that way," she says, smiling slightly. "
[12:17] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I'm Lynn Pierce, and this is Yuri Bahana."
[12:17] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Good morning!"
[12:18] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Good morning."
[12:18] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And this is Laurell Sterling. We've kinda been here awhile," she says with a tired smile
[12:18] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: The man glances at the gathering enjoing their breakfast. He reaches to his inside pocket to have some breakfast of his own - he lights up a cigarette and takes a drag. He would nod politelty at both women and let out the smoke. "Morten Svartskog. Or just "Svaru". I solve the problems with gunfire."
[12:19] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "It's not so bad. The delegation in Egypt has to make do with MREs. At least the station here has a coffee maker."
[12:19] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "You might be surprised how many problems in the secret world can be solved with bullets."
[12:21] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "As a former pacifist, that was a startling surprise, yes."
[12:21] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Unfortunately the recent problem that has come to light seems to be of a more indirect nature. The deal with multiple vectors of infection coming to light."
[12:21] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: He smiles at Lynette. "Not surprised at all, ma'am. Where words fail, bullets come raining." he takes another drag. "So... what's the story here? The fat cats were... a bit restrained with their briefing."
[12:22] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "The Museum doesn't have an corporate sponsorship at the moment, does it?"
[12:22] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "So we're focusing primarily on Filth vectors, then? Or the Fog?"
[12:22] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Oh, I know. But I meant how many things are actually vulnerable to bullets, instead of needing more exotic methods of death."
[12:23] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "Yeah... one might have thought supernatural beings would require to be taken care of... supernaturally." Svaru shrugs.
[12:23] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Ah, no, not last I checked. I think it's priimary backers are Oxford and maybe the Temple."
[12:24] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Our Anima has a lot of subtle effects. Overcoming language barriers, healing of superficial wounds without effort, even coping with sleep deprivation. I wouldn't be surprised if even our mundane weapons... weren't mundane."
[12:24] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Good. All the better the University and the Museum were able to reach an amicable arrangement then."
[12:24] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Point."
[12:25] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette takes another slug of coffee, and tosses the empty cup in the trash fire
[12:25] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "And as for filth vs. fog... We're getting the impression the Fog is a Filth vector. But bringing to light more corporate secrets would be helpful in confirming this."
[12:26] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And there's a reason we're talking corporate," she says sourly. "I'm sure you can guess what company has been sighted here."
[12:26] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: Turns to Crane. "As long as my gun does its job it might be mundane or blessed by Lucifer himself." he'd say, grinning.
[12:26] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "You suspect Orochi involvement in the Fog. Like some kind of corporate death cult?"
[12:27] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Mind-numbing horror and occult devastation for profit?"
[12:27] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Maybe not traditional involvement. But they're not above exploiting it if they can."
[12:27] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "They are doing research on the island for sure."
[12:27] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "There's no pie in the secret world that Orochi doesn't have its finger in."
[12:27] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Aren't we also conducting research here?"
[12:28] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Not the kind Orochi is doing."
[12:29] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "This started out as field observation of local eliptonic 'life' forms and turned into... crusading corporate espionage. But you gotta do what you gotta do, you know?"
[12:31] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette nods at Yuri. "They have a team doing weird experiments here with draug cadavers, among other things."
[12:31] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Okay." Dennison adjusts his mask, his body language looking uncomfortable. "So, we've established that Orochi is guillty of opportunism and curiosity. What does that mean?"
[12:32] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Rogue agents on site, or corruption higher up?"
[12:33] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: Svaru raises his eyebrow. "Something that everyone knows. I for one would like to know what's the next step for you. And how exactly could I be of assistance here."
[12:34] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "From our information, more like one team operating under different orders from upstairs, and leaving the others out of the loop."
[12:36] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "One member of that team went AWOL and told the Reverend some things. We're trying to trace him back and see what else we can learn about that team's activities."
[12:36] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: He drops the cigarette bud on the ground and puts its usefulness to an end with his heel. "From what I'm hearing it isn't exactly a guns blazing type of operation you're running here. Don't tell me I've come this far just to head back instantly." He chuckled.
[12:38] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "With all the zombies and draug on the island? We'll be needing your help just to fight our way through to our evidence."
[12:38] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: Svaru grins widely. "And now you're talking my language, ma'am."
[12:39] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: ((back)) "Agreed. This falls in line with my new hobbies."
[12:40] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "So what's our next step?"
[12:42] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Well, after our recent interaction with Dufresne we've at least gotten a first look at the team's forward base. Finding a way to ransack their data might be an avenue to explore."
[12:43] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "That's the group at the airport, yes?"
[12:44] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "The one we're concerned with, yes."
[12:44] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Ah, that'd be Danny Dufresne. He's a local skater punk. but he's surprisingly knowledgable and observant."
[12:45] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "He's also a conspiracy theorist, which is kinda useful right now."
[12:45] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Have we checked in on the other group? At the broken bridge to the north? They must have noticed if their colleagues have gone off-script."
[12:45] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We haven't in detail, yet. I would like to find the man in the van first."
[12:46] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: Svaru perks his brow again. "So... your only lead is a suspicion from some teen?"
[12:46] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "It would help to have direct corroboration, instead of just a crazy Illuminati preacher fanboy."
[12:46] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "A kooky teen, at that. I kind of approve."
[12:47] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "Well. A lead is a lead."
[12:47] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Our only CORROBORATION is from Danny. We first heard about this from the local minister, who heard it as a confession from a team member who had an apparent attack of conscience."
[12:48] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Finding the guy in the van... well, it probably wouldn't change what we'll have to do, but it'd help us understand better the long-term ramifications."
[12:48] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I always feel awkward around that guy at the church. I keep thinking that I'm what he wants to be when he grows up. A crazy Illuminati preacher, but on the inside, so to speak."
[12:49] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Lead on. We'll provide the cover fire."
[12:49] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Any idea where the guy went? Didn't Danny say he tried to cross the bridge."
[12:50] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Hey, on the upside I won't have to pretend to be Illuminati anymore if we talk to him again. Just let you be our face."
[12:50] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: Svaru puts his palm on one of his gun holsters. "Is it far from here? I could ride and scout the road."
[12:50] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Yeah, all those bridges that have mysteriously filled up with trash in the last few weeks. We've confirmed Langmore Bridge is unobstructed, though."
[12:51] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "So towards Blue Mountain. And the other camp."
[12:52] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Turning down Fletcher Road and Priest Heights you come out very close to the church."
[12:53] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "That's correct., yes." She turns towards Morten. "That'd be appreciated."
[12:53] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And hopefully, we'll not have to deal with the Rev again. He seems to mean well, but -- no offense to anyone -- he's such a Blue fanboy it's ridiculous."
[12:54] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I'm IN the Illuminati, and I don't like them as much as he does."
[12:54] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Like 'dress up in Kirsten Geary costume for a convention' ridiculous."
[12:54] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "Fletcher Road, Priest Heights, church. Got it." he nods and moves to his bike, deciding to ignore all the comments regarding Blues.
[12:56] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: As he rides off, she hums the Sons of Anarchy theme
[12:56] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Let's go, then."
[12:56] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: The group can hear some distant gunshots.
[12:59] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "What is that? A black van!"
[13:00] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "This must be the van... so what happened to him?"
[13:00] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "This doesn't look good for whoever was driving it."
[13:00] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: Is this the van Dufresne told you about?"
[13:00] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Yes, I believe it is."
[13:00] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Blood trails. Dammit."
[13:01] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: Svaru comes back and gets off his bike. "The road up to Orochi camp up at the bridge is clear. Well... now it is."
[13:01] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Hostiles."
[13:01] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "I got this."
[13:01] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "This must be him. Dammit."
[13:02] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Just an ID card here it looks like."
[13:03] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Has anyone here read much Douglas Adams?"
[13:03] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: Svaru looks at the corpse. "Poor sod. He was so close to his salvation..." looks at the water, then towards the distant island. Notives some movement there. "Or not."
[13:03] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Can't even make out the name." She grimaces and wipes the blood off on her coat sleeve. "Jake Nakamura. Vali."
3:03] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I need to get hold of Mostly Harmless. My tome only goes up So Long and Thanks for all the Fish."
[13:04] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "He wrote about an alien species, that could run hundreds of miles per hour. It was so fast, you couldn't even see it move. It was so fast, that for years, scientists thought its natural state was flat, pressed up against a rock, and dead."
[13:04] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Not my genre, I'm afraid. I like Ludlum better."
[13:04] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Orochi agents remind me of that passage sometimes."
[13:04] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She smirks. "I can see it, now that you say that."
[13:05] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I suppose we should return this. The bridge is where the ones who are halfway decent seem to be, anyway."
[13:08] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "Help us? Perhaps. Your collegue Nakamura? Not so much, I'm afraid." Svaru grins.
[13:08] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette offers the still blood-stained ID. "We found this alongside a crashed van near the bridge." She gives Morten a "really?" look
[13:10] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: He responds to Lynette with "ya really" look and a shrug. Corporate henchmen don't have feelings, after all.
[13:10] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Flat, pressed up against a rock, and dead."
[13:11] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Blake makes a distasteful look at Morten's comment, but nods. "Thank you. That is unfortunate about Nakamura." He looks thoughtful... almost Vulcan-esque. "This must have something to do with what he was working on at the airport. That or the excavation at the wreck of the Polaris."
[13:11] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "The Polaris?"
[#SARP] [*Svaru]: "The name does ring a bell. Oh no... wait. It was "Solaris". Don't mind me then."
[13:12] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Another Lady Margaret situation?"
[13:13] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe inerjects. "The Polaris was a company ship that wrecked off the island's coast years back. Recently, we've had people from Vali and Anansi combing through it for salvage." She furrows her brow. "Makes me curious why they're doing it just now."
[13:14] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I'd be curious why it was left there for so long. Valuable cargo should have been salvaged right away."
[13:14] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Harrison nods at her, then turns towards the team. "Perhaps you'd be willing to entertain an exchange of favors. We are not in a position to investigate the wreck, but you are not so bound to a location."
[13:14] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: Looks to Dennison. "Maybe there -was- a reason...."
[13:15] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette looks dubiously at him. "So, looking through the wreck is the favor, and in exchange..."
[13:15] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I suspect looking through the wreck AND telling these two what we find is the favor."
[13:16] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "Good point."
[13:16] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette looks like she wants to comment. Instead she looks at Yuri, gauging her reaction.
[13:18] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "How is that a favor?" Radcliffe hisses at Blake. "With that kind of reasoning, it's no wonder my mother doesn't like you."
[13:18] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri nods. "We understand you're not confirming anything. But, speaking strictly in the realm of possibility, what might come out of this?"
[13:18] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She then seems to remember where she is, and colors slightly.
[13:19] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "That is a difficult question to answer," he says stolidly, perhaps a little stung. ({Probably from what Radcliffe said.) "But if nothing else, there is no way we could stop you from transmitting what you learned to your superiors."
[13:20] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I, for one, am curious. I'd like to check out the site, but I'd rather not swim there. If sharing intel gets us an airlift, I'm game."
[13:21] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And, we'd also like to know what Nakamura was up to. Perhaps we can find out a few things while you're at the wreck," suggests Radcliffe
[13:21] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Indeed," he says stiffly
[13:21] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Good man, Tuvok."
[13:21] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri nods at that too. "Naturally. I think I can agree."
[13:22] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Blake stares back at him. "You're not the first to make that comment. I don't see the resemblance, though."
[13:22] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "So we go look at your wreck and tell you what we find. You go look at the dealings of your man and tell us what you find."
[13:22] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette does not comment on that, instead saying, "All right. Let's go."
[13:23] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri shrugs. "I didn't really watch that one."
[13:23] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "That seems an acceptable division of labor," Blake states. "We shall talk more when you return."
[13:23] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "If we return..." Svaru mumbled to himself.
[13:23] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Hope you find something good then."
[13:25] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "So picturesque," she says sarcastically
[13:25] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: Scaru looks around. "Damn... no wonder no one bothered to check the Polaris's fate before. Look at this place."
[13:25] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I can heal, a little bit. It's not my specialty, though. If things get hairy, I suggest everyone pours on the damage and hopes for the best."
[13:25] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Seems about right."
[13:25] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "I think I've read this Krieg novel."
[13:26] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Not my genre."
[13:26] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Nor mine."
[13:26] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "Keep your guns ready, cats. This is about to get ugly." he says, looking at the draug in the distance.
[13:26] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "At least it's a little lighter here. Kind of how snowy nights are brighter."
13:26] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Look at those vines up there."
[13:27] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I know. It looks so overgrown. Like it's been untouched for decades."
[13:27] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I mean, vines don't grow sideways. As a rule. Is that... decoration?"
[13:27] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: Clears his throat and points at the draug.
[13:27] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Right."
[13:30] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Man, I liked these shoes."
[13:30] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: Looks at the colossus "Holy fuck!"
[13:32] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Well, he was loud."
[13:32] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "That one reminded me of my English teacher..."
[13:33] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "That reminded me of an ex's mother."
[13:33] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "Same person?"
[13:33] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Hehe"
[13:34] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "That ship was huge..."
[13:34] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: How has this sat here so long?
[13:34] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "And was it infested the whole time?"
[13:34] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Orochi doesn't do things small."
[13:35] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "No sign of the bridge or anything..."
[13:35] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Um. Guys?"
[13:36] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "Is everyone okay?"
[13:36] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Guys.
[13:36] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Oh. Well. That's not a good sign."
[13:36] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Why is it always tentacles?"
[13:36] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Yeah."
[13:36] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I'm here. We're all, we're all here."
[13:37] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I don't want to know."
[13:37] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "So..."
[13:37] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Let's assume we're all still immortal. Wing it?"
[13:37] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Not a lot of choice."
[13:37] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "A mountain moved. Yeah, classic Star-Spawn. Totally undefeatable. We should find a way out of here. No?"
[13:37] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "We're either taking this thing down or we're sitting down here waiting for help the Orochi will never send."
[13:38] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "And then we die."
[13:38] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Oh, alright."
[13:38] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Like I said, no choice. Let'\s take it down."
[13:38] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "Sooner or later? Your pick, team." he reloads.
[13:38] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Since we can't negotiate with it."
[13:38] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "On count of three"
[13:38] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Three.
[13:39] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Counterfeit Star Spawn."
[13:39] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "All bluster, no muster."
[13:39] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Like that ex."
[13:39] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "I'm going to tell our Orochi friend a few kind words when we're back."
[13:39] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette barks a laugh. "If you grew up in Baltimore, it might have been the same person."
[13:40] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: Laurell picks up a stack of old papers
[13:41] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette looks around, before finding a battered waterproof bag.
[13:44] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: The papers are also in a waterproof sleeve, and appear to be the Polaris's manifest. Interestingly, there are large portions of the second and third pages that have been blacked out, and there is a Post-It Note on the last page complaining about Vali pulling some kind of need-to-know crap
[13:45] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "My book however says: "If it's no one's it might as well be yours."
[13:46] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Port of origin? Because if it's Tokyo...?"
[13:46] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Hmm, redacted, redacted, 3 containers, 500 tons, redacted. Vali is full of redacted."
[13:46] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: The waterproof bag contains an older-model Anansi laptop -- state of the art for 2007, natch -- and an external battery pack and hard drive. Also, a wallet with Anansi ID belonging to a Jens Krupinski, and US$500
[13:47] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Aww man. Anansi are fun guys."
[13:47] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette fingers the money, and then peels off $200 and tosses the wad to Dennison. "For your shoes."
[13:48] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: Dennison takes the money, because Pride doesn't buy nice things.
[13:48] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette zips the bag up and shoulders it.
[13:49] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Blake and Radcliffe look up as they approach. Oddly, they look a little guilty, as if having had a personal discussion while on duty.
[13:50] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I see you've returned safely," Blake says.
[13:50] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "He means welcome back," Radcliffe interjects
[13:50] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "More or less."
[13:51] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "That's what I said," he says blankly
[13:51] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Did you find anything?"
[13:52] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "Have you been aware of the giant Cthulhu wannabe roaming around the area you send us to investigate?" he'd ask coldly.
[13:52] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "For one thing, the reef where it ran aground has a huge draug infestation," Lynette says dryly. She offers the wallet (now empty of cash, because Pride doesn't buy quality coffee) to them.
[13:53] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Wannabe. It was pretty much a simulacrum. Melted in a breath."
[13:53] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And when we say huge draug infestation, we mean HUGE DRAUG. Like my associate said." she nods at Morten
[13:53] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Some kind of gigantism maybe? Big, but unhealthy."
[13:53] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "it still counts." he pouts at Yuri.
[13:54] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Blake assumes an expression that surprises even you jaded lot: shock. "That shouldn't have been possible."
[13:54] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "It would explain why the site was quarantined, and not salvaged."
[13:54] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Also, most of the containers are open and thrown around the reef. Likely thanks to said draugs."
[13:55] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "What do you mean, 'shouldn't have been possible'?" Lynette asks suspiciously
[13:56] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I saw a lot of opened containers, but not a lot of cargo. Unless the draug WERE the cargo?"
[13:57] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Another uncomfortable exchange of glances between Blake and Radcliffe. It's oddly like the silent communication between a married couple in front of their chould. It'd be funny, under different circumstances.
[13:57] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "There were the nordic-themed glowy chest things too, which contained some materiel."
[13:57] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Or if the draug TOOK the cargo. I'm not sure which is more ominous."
[13:57] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Finally Blake speaks, a trifle diffidently. "I believe that, yes, the cargo may have contained some draug."
[13:58] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "Or maybe there was no cargo in the first place."
[13:58] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Okay, it's that one."
[13:58] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Do you know if they were supposed to be on ice, or just caged?"
[13:58] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "This again raises the port of origin question."
[13:59] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: He clears his throat. "In the middle of the last decade, there were rumors about the company having found unusual bodies in Antarctica. Odd life forms, like something out of legends or a horror movie. The Polaris was the ship assigned to transport the bodies back to a secure facility."
[13:59] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe is not facepalming, but oh lord does she look like she wants to.
[14:00] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Nobody in Orochi saw The Thing?"
[14:00] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "And they have never made it. Ending up here instead. Lovely." Svaru chuckles, but not happily.
[14:00] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "To be fair, I haven't seen The Thing. But I need to, so I'll know who MacReady is."
[14:01] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Blake looks at him, a very faint trace of sardonic humor crossing his face. "That film has been used as a training movie, to show what not to do in certain scenarios. I believe the team on site believed they had taken sufficient precautions."
[14:01] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette IS facepalming, muttering to herself
[14:02] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: "So... how is it that you cats are still alive and kicking after that kind of instruction materials?..."
[14:02] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri gives Lyn a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
[14:03] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Flat. Pressed up against a rock. Dead."
[14:03] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Neither of the scientists seem to have any answer
[14:03] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: After a long and uncomfortable silence, Radcliffe offers diffidently, "We do have some idea what Nakamura was up to, at least."
[14:04] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Oh?"
[14:05] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "He was originally with Manticore, but transferred to Vali when they had an opening for delivery pilots. I think he thought he'd get shot at less."
[14:05] [#SARP] [*Svaru]: Morten looks to Radcliffe. "For your sake, ma'am, I hope you don't use "Last Tango in Paris" as a relationship guide." he grins.
[14:06] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "He was one of several pilots involved in airlfting salvage and draug corpses to the facility at the airport," she continues, pointedly ignoring Morten
[14:06] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Unfortunate. Not that he would have had enough information to avoid that career change."
[14:07] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We had some troopers go down to check his van, to see if it could salvaged. They found his personal journal."
[14:07] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She holds it out to Yuri. "Maybe you can put it to good use."
[14:07] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: She accepts it. "We'll try to see to it. Thank you."
[14:07] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Nice."
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Joined: Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:49 pm
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Re: Nine Swords and the Eight-Headed Serpent (Sat. Afternoon RP, recurring)

Post by Hit-Parade »

The long-awaited log from 8/12! Sorry for the late posting.

[12:12] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette looks at Yuri as she approaches, and pulls a small flask out of her messenger bag. "Coffee? It's decent stuff."
[12:13] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Egg, granola, cocoa. It's getting pretty standardized I know, but..."
[12:15] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She snorts in wry amusement. "Stick with what works, I guess. I found out that Moca Loco in Ealdwic actually uses Jamaica Blue Mountain. Guess they have a friend in customs." She takes a long pull on the insulated flask
[12:15] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Oh, that sounds nice."
[12:16] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I must generate enough eggshell to have a red army of fairies tailing me all the time and I don't even know it."
[12:16] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She shakes the flask. "Sure you don't want some? Turn that cocoa into a mocha," she says with a smile
[12:17] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I'm sure, thanks."
[12:17] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She snorts. "I've heard people complain about eggshells and Transylvania. Is that related?"
[12:17] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I think in Ireland also there's talk of little people being fascinated by eggshells."
[12:18] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She cocks her head, not sure if she's being put on
[12:19] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She checks her watch. "I'm a little surprised our new friends aren't here yet."
[12:19] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Read a tale recently where brewing eggshells helped unmask a changeling's true nature."
[12:21] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Eggshells? Really?"
[12:22] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri pulls out a tome with the name Yeats on it
[12:23] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "That's a thick book."
[12:23] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Let's see... 'The Brewery of Egg-shells', contributed by T. Crofton Croker..."
[12:25] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "'Yes, mammy: what are you brewing?' returned the fairy. 'Egg-shells, a vick" said Mrs. Sullivan. "Oh!" shriked the imp, starting up in the cradle, and clapping his hands together, "I'm fifteen hundred years in the world, and I never saw a brewery of egg-shells before!'"
[12:26] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette looks like she's about to make a micro-brewery joke, but listens, bemused
[12:27] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Hello."
[12:28] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "The poker was by this time quite red, and Mrs. Sullivan, seizing it, ran furiously toward the cradle; but somehow or other her foot slipped, and she fell flat on the floor, and the poker flew out of her hand to the other end of the house. However, she got up without much loss of time and went to the cradle, intending to pitch the wicked thing that was in it into the pot of boiling water, when there she saw her own child in a sweet sleep..."
[12:28] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Hi, Laurell." Lynette offers her flask." Coffee?"
[12:28] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "So yeah, when the fairy realized he'd given the game away he put the real child back and scuppered off."
[12:29] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Smart fairy."
[12:29] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Not thanks. This time I ate before coming here."
[12:29] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Hi Laurell. Good to see you."
[12:29] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "You haven't seen Preacher Man or Motorcycle Boy today, have you?"
[12:30] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I'm looking forward to getting past the decidedly 19th century fairy stories and getting on to 'Cuchuluain of Muirthemne.'"
[12:31] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Well, I guess they'll just have to miss the fun today, then."
[12:32] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "When oh when will the sun come up? Out here these are somewhat of an impediment at night."
[12:32] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She smirks ruefully. "Fun. God, what's wrong with me?"
[12:33] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "And still so light polluted you canst see but a few of the stars."
[12:33] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Stupid Fog."
[12:34] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri puts her book away.
[12:35] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I think Blake and Radclife owe us a favor. Maybe they can help us get back into that base. We need some hard data."
[12:36] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Ah yes, looking forward to finding out what's in that other book they gave us as well."
[12:38] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Ah, you're back." Blake nods at them
[12:38] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "He means welcome back," Radcliffe says tolerantly
[12:38] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: (('Increasing the statistical average for the next toss. That's (chaos theory).'))
[12:39] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Thanks," Lynette says dubiously. "Listen. We need to get back into that base by the airport."
[12:40] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe looks equally dubious, though somewhat sympathetic. "I guess you need to follow this where it takes you," she says diffidently
[12:41] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We have another problem, as well," Blake says stolidly. "We will help you access that facility if you help resolve our problem."
[12:41] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "We understand there are things you need to know as well. And we are happy to keep aiding and supplying you."
[12:41] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Another problem. What is it this time?"
[12:42] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe seems almost delighted at Yuri's summation. "I appreciate your flexibility."
[12:42] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Blake merely nods. "The draug have begun stealing components from our barrier system. That alone is disturbing, but they seem to be using those components to make something. We're not sure what."
[12:39] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Thanks," Lynette says dubiously. "Listen. We need to get back into that base by the airport."
[12:40] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe looks equally dubious, though somewhat sympathetic. "I guess you need to follow this where it takes you," she says diffidently
[12:41] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We have another problem, as well," Blake says stolidly. "We will help you access that facility if you help resolve our problem."
[12:41] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "We understand there are things you need to know as well. And we are happy to keep aiding and supplying you."
[12:41] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Another problem. What is it this time?"
[12:42] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe seems almost delighted at Yuri's summation. "I appreciate your flexibility."
[12:42] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Blake merely nods. "The draug have begun stealing components from our barrier system. That alone is disturbing, but they seem to be using those components to make something. We're not sure what."
[12:44] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And you want us to retrieve them?" Lynette says, eyebrows raised
[12:44] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "A field evaluation, and recovery, sound expedient."
[12:44] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "If possible," Radcliffe says. "We'll settle for them being destroyed and out of the draug hands."
[12:45] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Precisely," Blake agrees. "If they have developed sufficient awareness to use them against us, weaponize them... I'm sure I don't need to elaborate on the negative consequences."
[12:45] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Understood."
[12:47] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "After you've done that, we'll arrange for your access to the airport facility." He inclines his head towards Yuri
[12:47] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I suppose that's fair," Lynette says
[12:49] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "The enemy is approaching! They must be repulsed!"
[12:49] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "It's probably best if you hurry," Radcliffe suggests
[12:54] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Smells like cooked fish."
[12:54] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Nowhere near so good."
[12:54] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "This island is ruining seafood for me. And I'm from frigging Baltimore."
[12:55] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "The mercury and plastic levels are too high these days anyway."
[12:56] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "These guys might be 10% micro-beads. And other carcinogens."
[12:56] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I'm just glad I haven't heard about people using draug as emergency rations."
[12:57] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe looks up as she says that, and starts to speak, but Blake squeezes her arm and shakes his head
[12:58] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We saw the explosions," he says instead. "Very energetic. It's regrettable, but better those were destroyed."
[13:00] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Thank you," Radcliffe says. She looks a little reluctant, but she hands each of them an ID badge, and Yuri a folded slip of paper
[13:00] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I will defer to your judgment on that matter. Now to the next step in our process."
[13:01] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri examines the paper.
[13:01] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Yeah they were mostly damaged and covered in draug guts. I dont think you'd want the stuff back."
[13:02] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "The badges should get you in. And that is what, to the best of my knowledge, the most recent access code for the underground passage. There are also some standard field coveralls in this bag." She hands that to Laurell
[13:03] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe wrinkles her nose at the sound of draug guts. "Well, thank you. We really wouldn't want to have to clean those, and the smell..."
[13:05] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "With these and the right amount of discretion, we should be able to get some answers."
[13:05] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Uh, right," Lynette says dryly, deciding not to comment on the state of her own clothes. She looks at the other two. "Ready?"
[13:06] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Yeah let's go."
[13:06] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Quite."
[13:12] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Is there a back door in here?"
[13:12] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "No, I guess it doesn't matter."
[13:12] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Not in here."
[13:12] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "There it is."
[13:13] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "These must be the organs Nakamura was transporting."
[13:14] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Psst! Get out of there!"
[13:14] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "What does the report say?"
[13:15] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Lots of medical and science jargon. If I'm reading it right, though. they're reporting limited success in using draug organs and limbs as substitutes for human ones. Limited success, that is."
[13:16] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "ARgh, we need experts to look at this."
[13:16] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "BPA in the bloodstream. Foreign elements overwhelming the immune system. Soon they're listlessly milling about, moaning in Scandanavian accents."
[13:18] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Back door works. But there are faster means of getting where we want to go."
[13:18] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Anima Express?"
[13:18] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Hold onto your Sub-Etha Thumbs."
[13:18] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Works for me.
[13:20] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Information wants to be free. At least within established proprietary boundaries."
[13:20] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette quirks a brief smile at her comment
[13:21] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "So here it is."
[13:21] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "That was fast," Radcliffe says in an impressed tone.
[13:22] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "We felt it prudent not to linger."
[13:22] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We had some good luck," Lynette says shortly
[13:22] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Our identities would surely have been compromised by the division picnic outing."
[13:23] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "You seem disturbed," Blake observes, the company-picnic joke flying right over his head.
[13:25] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "It wasn't exactly kitten pics we found on their hard drives," Lynette retorts
[13:25] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Use of inappropriately virus-screened sources of organ transplantation seem to have been on the field trials exploration agenda."
[13:26] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe stares at them. "I -- what? You're kidding!"
[13:27] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "See for yourself. Says pretty much that right there."
[13:27] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Blake looks unsurprised, but displeased. "May we see the flash drive?"
[13:28] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri nods to the others.
[13:29] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe takes the drive and plugs it into her tablet, tapping on the icon. "Let's see... reports on progress..."
[13:31] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "My god. They're using people from Kingsmouth. People who've been reported as missing since the Fog rolled in, too." Radcliffe's voice has dropped to a near whisper.
[13:32] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri's lips tighten in a grimace.
[13:34] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "To make the first comment that came to mind more serious, it would be clear international law is being contravened."
[13:34] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Let me see this." Blake looks at the screen as well, tapping on another report icon. "Hmm. Evidently a representative from Faust Capital is at the facility. They've already started looking at options for monetizing this."
[13:34] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette has lapsed into silence, looking quietly angry.
[13:35] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe shakes her head. "You're probably right."
[13:36] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "This cannot be allowed to proceed. Only ruination can result. Pig DNA contains viruses that can infect humans. How much worse the viruses that must be inherent and inseparable from these sources?"
[13:37] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Blake has taken the tablet and is looking through other reports. "It's disturbing enough that they're moving forward with this. But the reports clearly state that the process has not been perfected. Nor tested anywhere other than Solomon Island."
[13:38] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Another exchange of looks between Radcliffe and Blake. Once again, it's an uncomfortable one.
[13:39] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Crimes against humanity don't need to be widespread to still be what they are. Still, this presents us with an opportunity to see to it this is nipped in the bud."
[13:39] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Neither of us disagree with your conclusion," Blake finally says.
[13:40] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe looks at her, vaguely hopeful. "What are you thinking?"
[13:41] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Either we need to destroy their capability of continuing this line of experimentation, or somehow convince them that further trials would be unfruitful."
[13:43] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Bringing investigation and prosecution would be the usual course, but obviously this is taking place here because they know they are in a way totally outside the UN's field of view."
[13:44] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "What about Venice's?" Lynette says. "Orochi doesn't just operate in the mundane world. You can bet Venice would be less than pleased about this."
[13:45] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "They would need to know for sure."
[13:45] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "The Council would, indeed, be displeased," Blake admits. "But our company's representatives in the Sunken Library may have sufficient clout to quash any kind of formal censure or action."
[13:46] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Yeah that's what worries me. That Venice won't do anything quick enough to actually shut down the research."
[13:47] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "You should still tell them," Radcliffe insists. "But..." She wrings her hands, clearly distressed at what she's about to suggest. "But maybe AFTER the research is shut down. By whoever does it. Present it as a done deal that can't be rolled back."
[13:47] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "'...must be incorruptible, must be uncompromising.'" She looks up. "Easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Unilateral action of our own initiative would be expedient."
[13:48] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And of course, we carry your fucking water for you," Lynette blurts out, glaring at them
[13:49] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We can't leave this bridge," Radcliffe protests, actually stepping back from Lynette's outburst. "We're under orders -- we have responsibilities -- "
[13:49] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri blinks. "I do struggle when it comes to succinctness, though I'm sure that phrase would never have occurred to me."
[13:51] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "When throwing the water out at night, make sure to call out so that you not offened any of the good people." She smirks. "I really wouldn't want to lose a chance to do this ourselves."
[13:51] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: *offend
[13:52] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "So how should we do this then?"
[13:53] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Blake touches Radcliffe's shoulder with surprising gentleness, and looks at Lynette. "It is true that we are asking something we cannot, we will not, do ourselves. But the first part is as true as the second. You have skills, and resources, we do not. You have freedome of movement we do not." A slight smirk. "You even have a kind of moral imprimatur w cannot claim."
[13:53] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I can't help but fantasize scenarios where our Faust man ends up on the table. But that is just fantasy."
[13:54] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette glowers at them, and huffs. "Fine. We'll carry your water, 'cause you can't."
[13:55] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette looks at Laurell. "We transmit the data we have, and we go back and ransack the facility. Destroy all the research, all the data. As for the personnel..." She trails off, and exhales, seeming to let go of some of her hot anger.
[13:57] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Maybe you should do this planning elsewhere," Radcliffe says in a neutral tone. She clearly doesn't like hearing the planning of a possible slaughter of her coworkers
[13:59] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Fair enough. And speaking of destroying the data..."
[13:59] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: Laurell points at the flash drive
[13:59] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "'The man you're looking is called Satosh Valclav. He is a major European representative of the Syndicate specializing, we believe, in the development of bioweapons. He is visiting the United States for blahblahblah. Conventional law enforcement agencies cannot tough him for X reason. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make sure he halts this development. You have carte blanche as to methods and personnel...'"
[13:59] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: *touch
[14:00] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "'Should you or... any of your team be caught or killed, we will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Good luck, Lyn.'"
[14:01] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe nods, erasing the files copied from the tablet. She then hands the drive to Laurell. She seems to be shying away from Lynette
[14:01] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Right you are. We'll get out of earshot in... five seconds. Thank you for all you've done to assist our inquiries."
[14:01] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I'm much better looking than Jim Phelps," she says archly, flicking hair back from her face. Her humor seems to returning, albeit slowly
[14:02] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Blake nods. "This discussion did not happen." He touches Radcliffe's shoulder again
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Joined: Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:49 pm
Twitter: @goldshield01
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Re: Nine Swords and the Eight-Headed Serpent (Sat. Afternoon RP, recurring)

Post by Hit-Parade »

My apologies for posting this so late. -_-

I plan on starting and ending SARP an hour early this Saturday. A friend is running an event that starts about halfway through the standard session, and I want to attend that. I apologize for any disruptions this may cause; the event calendar notes have been updated. Feel free to contact me via PM with questions, or complaints!
Posts: 116
Joined: Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:49 pm
Twitter: @goldshield01
Location: US West Coast

Re: Nine Swords and the Eight-Headed Serpent (Sat. Afternoon RP, recurring)

Post by Hit-Parade »

[11:04] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Reverend," Lynette says to him, in a good-naturedly teasing tone. She inclines her head, and takes a long drink from her thermos
[11:08] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Hello, there. Good to see you well."
[11:14] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Hello Lyn. And Dennison."
[11:14] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Laurel, hello."
[11:15] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Laurell." Lynette look glad to see her. "Glad you could join us. I'm just waiting on Yuri, so we can fill Dennison in. The crap we saw, I don't think we want to go over it twice."
[11:15] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "That's fair. Most of what we see, it's bad enough to live through it once."
[11:17] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Yeah, that's ok. We also need to decide what to do next."
[11:18] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette splashes some coffee into her Thermos cup, and offers the flask around. "Anyone? It's Jamaica Blue Mountain."
[11:19] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Thank you, but no. The good stuff is wasted on me."
[11:19] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Thanks. I dont know why I keep getting mine from Moca Loco. I dont like any of their stuff."
[11:20] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette pours her some. "Convenience, I guess. Here."
[11:22] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Crazy chocolate coffee? A Mocha Loco?"
[11:22] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Yep. It's a shop between Ealdwic station and Temple Hall."
[11:24] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette snorts. "Crazy mocha is right. They double down on the chocolate flavoring to try and hide the fact that the coffee is glorified Folgers'."
[11:25] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "There was a diner I used to frequent in Michigan, where I swear they never cleaned the coffee machine. Thing was coated in a layer of burnt coffee like enamel. Even their cheap brew came out like burnished ink. It was a little bit fantastic. Also horrifying."
[11:28] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Eh. Place did burn down eventually. Nobody ever proved it was the desperate act of a coffee machine that achieved sentience and prayed for death, but I had my suspicions."
[11:29] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Oh, hey, Yuri."
[11:29] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "You can always check what Venice records say about paranormal incidents in Michigan."
[11:29] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Hello."
[11:29] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Hi Yuri."
[11:30] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Ahh, Michigan..." She shakes her head like she knows what you're talking about, but...
[11:30] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Hey there, Yuri. Coffee?"
[11:31] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri holds up and shakes her own Thermos. It's Star Wars-licensed.
[11:33] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "All right, looks like this is all of us. You missed some interesting stuff, Dennison. Not good stuff, naturally."
[11:34] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "You got some leads from that Polaris info, then?"
[11:34] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Hey, if a necrotized and infectious pancreas can produce real insulin, can it be all bad? Don't answer that."
[11:36] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette laughs guiltily, and gives Yuri an old-fashioned look. "Don't give them ideas!"
[11:36] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Yeah, they probably don't burn sugars anyway."
[11:41] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette chuckles guiltily again, and then turns back towards Dennison. "The big thing... if we read the reports right, they're experimenting with implanting draug limbs and organs onto human test subjects. Unwilling ones. And they have someone from Faust Capital there, already working on monetizing it. There's a lot of problems with the implants, a lot of side effects, but they're apparently moving forward with it anyway."

She looks to the others. "Did I miss anything?"
[11:42] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: Even through the mask, you can see Dennison blinking in shock and confusion. "Why on EARTH would they do that? Serioiusly, what possible benefit would that have?"
[11:43] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Transplanting organs between humans is hard enough. Between species? And Draug are already prone to mutatioin? That's nuts."
[11:44] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Medical treatments for limb amputees. Super soldier programs. Who know?"
[11:44] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Who knows what goes on in Sam Chandra's mind?" Lynette says sourly.
[11:44] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Though probably the latter. Knowing them."
[11:44] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Anyway, we've pretty much decided to take unilateral action to prevent this."
[11:45] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "But Laurell's probably right. The former is most likely what they'd claim for PR, though."
[11:48] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette nods in agreement with Yuri. "We'll head back in there, destroy the servers and experiments. Put the test subjects out of their misery."
[11:49] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: ((You said small college town, so I figured Corvallis. Couldn't be Eugene :D))
[11:49] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "It would be a mercy, I'm sure."
[11:49] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "The big question is the staff and scientists there... it's tempting to say that they're all complicit."
[11:49] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: ((My sweetheart works for the city tourism office, and she's grumbling next to me as she tries to keep their websitge up.))
[11:51] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "If we can take out the security fence they have nothing keeping the draug out."
[11:51] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "It may be a moot point. I think Orochi only sent personnel to Solomon Island that they could afford to lose."
[11:51] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "If we can take out the security fence they have nothing keeping the draug out."
[11:51] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I haven't seen much in the way of extraction plans from them."
[11:52] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I think you're sadly right. I suppose we'd be doing them a favor, given what else..." she looks at Yuri, as if asking permission to elaborate
[11:52] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri shrugs, as if to say "What have we got to lose?"
[11:53] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "'given what else?' Do you mean the demons down the road at the hotel?"
[11:53] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Because I don't mind saying those things gave me a turn. And some sleepless nights."
[11:55] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Please continue. I need my memory refreshed as well."
[11:55] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Not just that..." She looks around, and lowers her voice. "A couple of months ago, we were breaking into a different Orochi facility on a different mission. We found some evidence that suggests that there's an airborne, gradual strain of the Filth that's on this island..." she nods at the Fog. "And there may be a good chance that anyone on this island who's not a Bee, or who doesn't have some kind of magical protections, is..." She waves in the direction of the zombies outside, and looks grim and sad and tired. " gonna be THAT."
[11:56] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Or worse. Yeah, I found similar intel in Blue Mountain."
[11:56] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Ah yes, the currently asymptomatic strain."
[11:57] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Yes, that."
[11:56] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Or worse. Yeah, I found similar intel in Blue Mountain."
[11:56] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Ah yes, the currently asymptomatic strain."
[11:57] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Yes, that."
[11:57] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "It would explain the... rushed quality of the Orochi experiments. Like they're determined to do as much as possible in a limited time frame."
[11:58] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Maybe what we do here is on the same level as hospice care, making the dying patient as comfortable as possible. But even that is worth doing."
[11:59] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Oh! That might explain how they'd overcome the rejection... I mean, it's vile. If we can mess up the time frame, perhaps it'd be enough."
[11:59] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette looks at her, a little lost. "Hmm?"
[11:59] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I'd thought of it as cauterizing a wound to prevent further infection. Hospice is a much nicer metaphor."
[12:00] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: She shrugs. "An infected recipient might be automatically compatible with any infected donor. Just saying."
[12:00] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "If everybody on the island is infected, then there's all the more reason to destroy the base at the airport. They can use it to fly stuff and people out."
[12:00] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette makes a face, but doesn't disagree.
[12:01] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Yup. We can't let this bleed out. We are totally going to bandage that particular wound."
[12:01] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And the Filth is the ultimate bioweapon...." She shakes her head. "Yes. That's what we have to do."
[12:02] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Quarantine, quarantine, quaranitine."
[12:02] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Sad, but probably better than that lunatic option Haskell was pushing for."
[12:03] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Bring out your dead! Come on, get em all up on the cart."
[12:03] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Stop making me laugh!" Lynette tries to suppress the guilty snicker
[12:03] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Scorched earth? Yeah, bad idea. I don't know what that would do to the hellrifts. Might purge the fog, only to release a bigger problem."
[12:04] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "That's a nuance this asshole didn't seem to sense. Or care about."
[12:05] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "And who knows what's bottled up under Innsmouth Academy? Blasting away all those wards, all at once? I'm not sure they'd be safe in Texas from that fallout."
[12:05] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Let's hope it doesn't go to that."
[12:06] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Well, let's be fair, it's TEXAS."
[12:06] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Let's go talk to Radcliffe and Blake one last time. They owe us something."
[12:06] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Point. At least they'd all be armed when the creepy-crawlies came knocking. "
[12:07] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "We do everything bigger in Texas. Don't mess with us. So yeah, let our cooler heads prevail."
[12:11] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I think you know why we're here," Lynette says coldly.

Blake nods, his face unreadable. "Yes. Here." He hands her a slip of paper. "Instructions for disabling the barriers."

Radcliffe looks sad, but understanding. "Just... be quick, with it, please."
[12:13] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Your people don't deserve 'quick,'" Lynette says snidely.
[12:14] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "But... fine."
[12:15] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She turns to the others. "Ready?"
[12:18] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Looks clear."
[12:19] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "My face is naked. I'll have to keep from getting too close to these guys."
[12:22] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "There, those computers are fried."
[12:22] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Boil, burn, burst your bubble, smoke your bones on the flaming rubble! cackle cackle."
[12:22] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "The crones would be proud."
[12:23] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "I fried the electric fence on the access tunnel. There's nothing keeping draugs out."
[12:23] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And all the draug corpses are ash."
[12:23] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "The subjects... lethal amounts of morphine."
[12:24] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She looks very guilty about that.
[12:24] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "And itching powder on the employee restroom toilet paper."
[12:24] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: That makes her smirk.
[12:24] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "It's the little touches."
[12:24] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "So, this place is naked."
[12:25] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Let's go."
[12:28] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Several Orochi personnel are standing, grim-faced, around a radio. Sounds of gunfire and screaming, and of draug rumbling, can be heard over it. Mercifully, the screaming doesn't last long.
[12:29] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe looks up at the group, her eyes red, angry and ashamed. Blake has a hand resting on her shoulder, his face still unreadable.
[12:29] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Is that enough?" Radcliffe says angrily. "Are we 'even' now?"
[12:30] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "That was a distress call, Blake. No rescue protocol?"
[12:31] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We were instructed to leave the facility to its own devices," Blake says tonelessly. "We were told its security would be sufficient. Ours is barely so."
[12:31] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Uh huh. And if YOU were to call for help?"
[12:32] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "You guys should start preparing some medical help. Some will probably come here for it."
[12:32] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Over the radio, crunching sounds can be heard. It's probably the draug smashing bodies. Probably not them doing anything else to them.
[12:32] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Probably.
[12:33] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe nods, wiping her eyes, happy to have something -- anything -- else to think about. She barks orders at several of the soldiers and technicians, gathering them.
[12:34] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I would expect them to act as they saw fit." Blake's tone is still level, although traces of guilt and shame are discernable to those with practiced ears.
[12:34] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: Laurell whispers to the group; "Should we tell them about the airborn virus?"
[12:35] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Why would we?" Reviled whispers back. "All these people have is the hope that this will end, and they'll get to leave."
[12:35] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I expect they would not be called to reinforce this position, but I'm just speculating."
[12:36] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette catches that, and she looks momentarily torn.
[12:37] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "More likely additional physical barriers would be airlifted in instead."
[12:37] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "More likely," Blake repeats, his tone oddly hollow now.
[12:38] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "You might consider setting up a fallback position. There are some canyons on Priest Island you could defend for a long while, if you had to."
[12:38] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "I still have the data from the flash drive. We can share bits of it between Lumies, Templar and Venice. See if they can find a cure."
[12:38] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Tell Radcliffe we're even," Lynette says, her own tone kind of hollow as well. As if she has no more energy to be angry, just sad. "And... think about what you're doing here, and what your bosses intend."
[12:39] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "My friends have a point. You can still do some good, some actual good, here. You needn't hold a bridge for... for no good reason."
[12:39] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "What they're doing is keeping this occult outbreak from going coast-side to Dunwich. That's a start, isn't it?"
[12:40] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "...yeah. Yeah, it's a start."
[12:41] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Blake is still stoic, but it's becoming clear how fragile that stoicism is. He nods. "We'll take your recommendations under advisement."
[12:42] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette looks towards Laurell. She whispers, "Your idea's worth a shot. I don't think it could make things worse."
[12:43] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "We should try to find a cure for the virus anyway. Just in case."
[12:43] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Yeah. I agree."
[12:43] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I need a minute, guys." Reviled walks down, off the bridge and past the barricades.
[12:46] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: As the group turns to go, Blake adds, almost diffidently, "If you're travelling to other parts of the island, there may be others from the company there. Not in uniform, but in plainclothes. I do not know if the airport was not the only..." He spreads his arms helplessly, suddenly looking very old. "I know some officials from Faust were supposed to visit Innsmouth for some reason."
[12:46] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Alright, our people will get the data you've collected. They'll try to find a cure for the filth."
[12:46] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "More messes for us to clean up?" Lynette says sharply.
[12:47] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I don't know how warmly the administration would welcome them, if they made it in. But we'll keep an eye out. Thanks."
[12:47] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Blake makes no attempt to argue with Laurell's statement, or Lynette's outburst. All he says is, "Because you're able to."
[12:48] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "One way or another, yeah. We are."
[12:48] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "If you need to... we have little need of all these vehicles. You can take one if you wish."
[12:49] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Thanks," Lynette says, the tiredness reasserting itself
[12:50] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Langmore Bridge, then just be careful of trees on Langmore Trail or whatever if we have to leave the road briefly."
[12:51] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Be careful on approach to the tunnel," he says
[12:51] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Let's go," she says quietly to the others. "I'm sick of the place."
[12:54] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: I want to point out that the airborne strain intel is Orochi's, not our own.
[12:54] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: It might be false.
[12:54] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "It's true. But all of the factions have scientists who can study the data and confirm or deny it."
[12:55] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And, frankly, it sucks so badly that it's probably the truth just because of that."
[12:56] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I'm sure Geary would be happy to review. To share Illuminati data? Not so much."
[12:57] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "I'll split it so everybody gets parts, but nobody has all the data. They have to work together to get the whole picture."
[12:58] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "That seems like the smart thing."
[13:02] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Is this place even operational as a school?" she wonders
[13:03] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "It would appear the... student body and faculty levels have suffered extreme attrition."
[13:04] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "You could say that," Ms. Usher says glumly.
[13:04] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Wait, is that an Orochi uniform you're wearing?!"
[13:04] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Those things in the hallway aren't alive, I'm thinking."
[13:05] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "My apologies. Our last infiltration of their ranks was all too recent."
[13:06] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "No, those seem animated. Whatever else they are."
[13:06] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Oh... my mistake. That's too bad. Maarten would have been happy to see someone else." She looks very stressed out. "There's a man from Orochi here, holed up with a couple of Council troopers across the hall. He was in a car crash, dragged himself onto campus from the wreck. He's not well."
[13:07] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Then he'll need what medical assistance we can lend, I imagine."
[13:07] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We're all kinda screwed up by now, Ms. Usher," Carter comments
[13:08] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Carter!'re correct, though." She looks at the group guilltily. "She's right. We need help, if you can give us some."
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Re: Nine Swords and the Eight-Headed Serpent (Sat. Afternoon RP, recurring)

Post by Hit-Parade »

[12:17] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Nasty things. I hate that they smell like bacon."
[12:17] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "It's enough to make one lose their taste for it."
[12:17] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Indeed. And that takes some doing."
[12:18] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette gives Ms. Usher a look of strained sympathy. "What do you need help with, then?"
[12:18] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I think I like turkey bacon a little better. Less of a tendency to get soggy."
[12:20] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Usher clears her throat. "Maarten is holed up with the the Council guards across the foyer, but he's very badly wounded, and we're..." she makes a helpless gesture. "We've about used up what's in these kits. There are more upstairs, but..."
[12:22] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "But the upstairs is obviously a high hazard area at the moment."
[12:22] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I volunteered to do it," Carter interjects annoyedly
[12:22] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And I explained to you how unwise an idea that was," Montag says stolidly
[12:23] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I gather it would be like, well, using up your nukes on what is essentially an infantry battlefield."
[12:23] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Your abilities are great, but your control is not," he says with his typical innocent insensitivity. "You'd be almost as likely to burn thge building down as to clear the upper floors.”
[12:24] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Usher facepalms, but does not argue
2:25] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Montag looks at Yuri. "That is a sloppy analogy, but apt anyway."
[12:25] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Those of us who rank lower on the scale would be happy to get you what you need."
[12:25] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I know. When I'm famished my ability at witticism suffers greatly."
[12:25] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Usher looks grateful. Carter looks both grateful and guilty. Montag looks like he has indigestion.
[12:26] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "...right," Lynette says dryly. "Okay. After that, if you know anything about what Maarten was doing..."
[12:26] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "So should we look at the offices then?"
[12:27] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We'll tell you what we know," Usher promises. "It's not much, though. But he didn't come here with nothing."
[12:27] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette sighs, and nods. "I think so."
[12:28] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I had a pair of Doc Maartens once. Never again."
[12:28] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "This painting looks familiar."
[12:29] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "The Great Navigator."
[12:29] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "It does... we may have to come back here."
[12:32] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "What is with all the damned faculty ghosts? Do you think they were already ghosts when they started teaching here..."
[12:32] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: I feel like we should have brought an old priest, a book, and a candle."
[12:32] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette snorts at his comment
[12:32] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I've seen enough episodes of Supernatural I should have the exorcism ritual memorized, but don't."
[12:33] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Oh they actually teach exorcism here."
[12:33] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Don't look at me. Methodists don't do a lot of exorcisms."
[12:33] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I note you didn't say 'do no exorcisms'."
[12:33] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Spiritus sanctus something pace something dominus something."
[12:34] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I can just see someone trying the prayer from The Boondock Saints."
[12:34] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "You take good notes."
[12:34] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I much preferred performing weddings. It was happier. And cleaner."
[12:37] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "So this is a school of witchcraft and wizardry, is it? I expected something more... Harry Potter, I guess."
[12:38] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I think a Templar version might be closer. Somehow I'm not surprised the Labyrinth went more towards a prep school setting. No offense."
[12:39] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Fun fact: people like to quote the bible as 'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.' But that's a mistranslation."
[12:39] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "The word is 'murderer' isn't it?"
[12:39] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "It was originally "shalt not suffer a poisoner to live."
[12:39] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Aha! That is a fun fact."
[12:39] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Bit of a difference there."
[12:39] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "The Witch of Endor was even an advisor to King Saul of the Israelites."
[12:39] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "No relation to the Ewoks."
[12:40] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette looks slightly disgruntled at not being able to make the joke fast enough
[12:40] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Wasn't that one of the reasons he fell from grace? The one that broke the camel's back was performing an unsanctioned sacrifice by himself without authority, but listening to a Witch was one I'm sure."
[12:41] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "It's been a long time since Sunday school, but I do recall that story."
[12:41] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "The visit to the witch not only guaranteeing his death, but ensuring that he'd go to hell. At least that's how the teacher told it."
[12:41] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "The witch summoned the spirit of a dead prophet. That's the kind of power that makes certain people nervous. What does it say about the sanctity of heaven if a pagan witch can pluck people away at her whim?"
[12:42] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Yeah, I can see the reasoning."
[12:49] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Should I be concerned that each classroom has soo many first aid kits in it?"
[12:50] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Not at all. Safety first."
[12:50] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I'm wondering where they got all the raw meat to make those familiars with. Does the school have its own ranch somewhere?"
[12:50] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "They're probably for looks anyway."
[12:51] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I guess that's what they do with 'problem' students," she says darkly
[12:51] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "I mean, school like this would have to have people who know healing magic."
[12:52] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Do they? I know their magic isn't exactly like ours."
[12:56] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "They are kidding. If I had all the hearts labeled J. Hoffa in this world I could fill a swimming pool."
[12:56] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "There's a nightmarish image."
[12:57] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "What the hell was this..."
[12:57] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "...huh."
[13:01] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Oh, ick."
[13:02] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "What the hell WAS that?!"
[13:02] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "That was a flesh golem."
[13:02] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Did Montag send us up here to deal with that, or to be dealt with by it?"
[13:02] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I don't know."
[13:03] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I didn't get the impression that Usher would have, if she'd known/"
[13:03] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Could be it's win-win for him, either way."
[13:03] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Surely the former."
[13:03] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: Hopefully former. Those things are hard to control."
[13:03] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Probably."
[13:06] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "What is this, some kind of cage?"
[13:06] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Huh. They must have some lively books here."
[13:07] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Or some kind of projector."
[13:07] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lying on the couch, in an Orochi uniform minus the jacket, clutching a side wound that is bleeding through the bandage, is the aforementioned-Maarten. He looks up at the group through pain-glazed eyes
[13:07] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Commence field surgery. Hold on, friend, what hurts makes you stronger."
[13:08] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: He nods, but is unable to avoid making pained noises as they unravel the bloody bandages and start treating the wound
[13:08] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Allow me to..." Revileld waves a bloody hand to no effect. "...utterly fail to help this guy."
[13:09] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Yuri? Your healing?"
[13:09] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Unless someone has actual training, I think my first aid refresher was most recent," Lynette notes grimly
[13:09] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She starts trying to irrigate and clean the wound as best she can
[13:09] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She then stops as Yuri applies actual healing magic ((:D))
[13:10] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Go ahead Lyn. I haven't had a refresh on first aid course in few years."
[13:10] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Well, getting out the glass and shrapnel and trying to set bones helps, of course."
[13:11] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Between the healing magic and the basic cleaning and rewrapping of the wound, the worst of Maarten's injuries are set right fairly quickly. His face clear of numbing pain for the moment, he manages to push himself into a sitting position and rubs his head. "Thank you..."
[13:11] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I only just started learning to heal. My magic is geared more toward harming, I fear."
[13:13] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Mine too," Lynette says glumly
[13:13] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "You're not with the company," he says curiously. "At least you're not dressed like it. Who are you?" He is looking at Yuri
[13:13] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I've managed to diversify a little bit, although I never seem to have enough pockets to carry the stuff to do all things well."
[13:14] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "It's funny. I've learned to improvise the first aid on the field so that now that I have proper equipment, I can't rememer what to do."
[13:14] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "How to use them, I mean."
[13:14] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "We represent Oxford, as well as the Museum of the Occult."
[13:15] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "And by extension the Council of Venice."
[13:16] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Though really, since you're not bleeding out anymore, I hardly feel that matters, friend."
[13:16] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "The Council! And Oxford? Not the rescuers I expected, but I appreciate it anyway," he says amiably. "Nnngh. I'm Maarten. Maarten van Cross."
[13:17] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Yuri. We take it by your recent actions that you have broken with the programme your employers charged you with."
[13:17] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Lynn," she says shortly.
[13:18] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Dennis," he nods in greeting.
[13:18] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Nice to meet you all," he says, rubbing his side, not wincing in pain and visibly surprised by the fact.
[13:19] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And I'm pretty sure the company thinks I'm dead. I think maybe I'm better off that way."
[13:19] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "But no, I wasn't planning to break with Orochi. Circumstances did that."
[13:20] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Please, tell us about these circumstances."
[13:23] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "So. Maarty. Now what?"
[13:24] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: He shifts on the couch, shucking the shirt that is blood- and sweat-soaked. "I work for... did work for Faust Capital. Courier, envoy, a briefcase with handcuffs kinda position. While I was trying to escape Kingsmouth, I got a coded transmission from my supervisor, telling me to make contact with a local bigshot at the amusement park. Said he had research data that would be valuable to the company, and that after that there'd be a boat waiting to get me out of here." He laughs bitterly. "I don't think I really believed there was a boat, but slim chance is better than none, yeah?"
[13:26] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Were you told the nature of the data you were to be collecting?"
[13:26] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Some dude named Winters, just standing in the parking lot next to a Caddy. Was smirking the whole time, like he was waiting for a nasty punchline."
[13:27] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Did you complete the exchange?"
[13:27] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: He hesitates, before saying, "Reanimation."
[13:27] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Could you be more specific?"
[13:28] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Only we've seen a fair variety of reanimations, is all."
[13:28] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Reanimation better not be what it sounds like," Lynette says darkly, flexing her fists
[13:29] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Like Herbert West, huh?"
[13:31] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Yeah, exactly that," he says quickly. "I don't really know much about what project is going down in Kingsmouth, but supposedly the bright boys think reanimation is part of keeping the side effects controlled. Or something. So not my department."
[13:31] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "The side effects of... the cross-transplantation program?"
[13:32] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Or of the asymptomatic strain?"
[13:32] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Asympto what now?"
[13:32] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: He seems genuinely lost by that
[13:33] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Or demonic intervention? Mummification? Vampirsim? Soggy watery fish-men? Zombies? Animated flesh-golems? I could go on."
[13:33] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Yeah, not your department, and if you knew you would've bailed in the sea long before reaching these shores."
[13:33] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "But the first thing, I think. The thing with the body parts from the... I think they're called drags."
[13:34] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Ah."
[13:34] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Draugr. So... bring the recipient to a... deathlike state, make the transplant, reanimate them, and hope they're like a normal person afterwards."
[13:33] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Or demonic intervention? Mummification? Vampirism? Soggy watery fish-men? Zombies? Animated flesh-golems? I could go on."
[13:33] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Yeah, not your department, and if you knew you would've bailed in the sea long before reaching these shores."
[13:33] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "But the first thing, I think. The thing with the body parts from the... I think they're called drags."
[13:34] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Ah."
[13:34] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Draugr. So... bring the recipient to a... deathlike state, make the transplant, reanimate them, and hope they're like a normal person afterwards."
[13:34] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Is that what you're saying?"
[13:35] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "They sure are a drag, though," Lynette mutters
[13:36] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I... guess? Look, the whole technical aspect is beyond me. I was just here to transport the papers and that kinda thing."
[13:37] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I see. What have become of the papers?"
[13:38] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Still have those," he tells her, nodding to the black briefcase at the far end of couch. It, insdeed, does have a set of handcuffs attached.
[13:39] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "If we take it as read that, if Orochi ever asks, you'll be represented as dead, will you let us look over that?"
[13:39] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We had just started talking when this weird... thing came screaming out of the park. I got in my car and tried to drive off, but it hit me pretty hard. I hit the sign outside the campus and managed to drag myself in here."
[13:40] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "When was that?"
[13:40] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Oh, that's an interesting incident."
[13:40] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Yeah, you got it. Any way I can get myself off this rock as part of the deal?"
[13:41] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "There's a dock out by Norseman's Point, not far from here. Is that where you were supposed to meet your boat? When was the rendezvous?"
[13:41] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "It happened a couple weeks ago. The Venice boys have been looking after me but their medic got scragged by one of those zombie things a day ago."

[13:41] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri looks over at the others.
[13:41] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Damn. I would've been curious to see who was buying from Winters."
[13:42] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "You guys know him? All I could see was some creepy-ass rich dude."
[13:42] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And I don't know anything else about the rendezvous, my phone got broken in the accident."
13:43] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Have you seen what's in the briefcase yourself?"
[13:44] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Not closely. I know what's s'posed to be in there. Some file foldersm an encrypted hard drive, a bank book with the account that has the payment in it."
[13:46] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Like I said, though, whatever the fuck it was in the park attacked me before we could make the handoff."
[13:46] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Hmm, let's take a look at the briefcase then. See if it can be opened."
[13:46] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Or if it's rigged."
[13:47] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "You can take it. What I'd like -- " he laughs bitterly. "What I'd like is a new ID set up, someplace far away."
[13:48] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I don't know that we can promise that," Lynette says carefully, looking at Yuri
3:50] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "If we could have a few minutes to confer with the local Council operatives..."
[13:51] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Maarten makes a self-mockingly gracious gesture. "I'm not going anywhere."
[13:51] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: I'll sit here with Maarty. Keep him company.
[13:51] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Can I help you, ma'am?" asks the apparent ranking trooper
[13:52] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: (We ask to set up conference in the outer room, door closed, etc.)
[13:52] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Ah, sure," He looks slightly dubious but willing, and follows the group out, closing the door carefully
[13:53] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Thank you."
[13:53] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I'm Sergeant Malone, and I'm more or less the guy in charge. What can I do for you, Miss...?"
[13:53] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Bahana. Sergeant, do your operatives walk the roads of the Hollow Earth?"
[13:56] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: It takes him a minute to parse the flowery language, and then he scratches his chin. "We used to be able to. We had a mage who had learned the tricks of doing so, and how to extend the protection to the rest of us. She got killed a few days ago, though."
[13:57] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Hmm, so it is technically possible, *if* we can find someone in the Library who shares that knowledge."
[13:58] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "If you want a suggestion, Miss Bahana, I'd see if you can find a Bee or two who wears Council colors. There aren't many, but they seem to be getting more common."
[13:59] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "You'll understand we're looking for something from Mr. Maarten, and he has the stupefyingly high price of helping him escape. And that is quite a good insight. I have worked extensively with at least one."
[14:00] [#SARP] [*Cauna]: "Is that the way you will get out of here? Somebody comes to pick you up and take through Agartha?"
[14:00] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: He smiles grimly. "Can't say as I blame him. I have a suspicion we won't be getting off this rock any sooner. If you could see if our comrades could send us a care package or something, I'd appreciate it."
[14:00] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Thank you, Sergeant. I will contact the Special Agent directly and make sure that care package is among the top priorities."
[14:02] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And that's the hope, miss. And thank you."

((As always, all OOC commentary has been edited out. Those interested in an unedited version can contact me!))
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Re: Nine Swords and the Eight-Headed Serpent (Sat. Afternoon RP, recurring)

Post by Hit-Parade »

Apologies, folks. I will not be holding SARP Saturday; I have to go out of town for a family event. RP will resume on Sept. 9.
Posts: 116
Joined: Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:49 pm
Twitter: @goldshield01
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Re: Nine Swords and the Eight-Headed Serpent (Sat. Afternoon RP, recurring)

Post by Hit-Parade »

[12:44] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Early morning, Kingsmouth. Lynette carries a heavily-laden messenger bag and a Thermos, in addition to her HK carbine. She stifles a yawn, and raises a hand in greeting to Yuri, Laurell, and Dennison
[12:45] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I take it that's not the latest care package."
[12:47] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Sorry, was it my turn to bring the donuts? I got distracted by my meeting with Geary."
[12:47] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Not the rifle, no," she says dryly. "It's meds for Doc Bannerman, for the folks here. Someone heard I was headed out, asked me to deliver." She offers the Thermos to the others. "Thirsty?"
[12:47] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I've not met her myself, but will accept that as sufficient reason for forgetting things."
[12:48] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "It didn't go well."
[12:47] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Not the rifle, no," she says dryly. "It's meds for Doc Bannerman, for the folks here. Someone heard I was headed out, asked me to deliver." She offers the Thermos to the others. "Thirsty?"
[12:47] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I've not met her myself, but will accept that as sufficient reason for forgetting things."
[12:48] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "It didn't go well."
[12:48] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Oh, so it *is* the latest care package. Groovy. Bottoms up, folks."
[12:48] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I asked her about the Council courier, whether we had any information on him, and whether an evac off Solomon Island might be arranged for him."
[12:49] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Sorry to hear that," she says. "I've heard she's a real piece of work."
[12:49] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I take it she responded emphatically in the negative. Or laughed."
[12:49] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "She shot me in the gut, and said if I had any more stupid questions she had bigger guns. So, I think it's safe to say the Illuminati will not be forthcoming on this topic."
[12:50] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: *Lily moves out of the police station building, looking around at the fortifications, writing a few things on her smartphone, eventually moving closer to the others, perhaps to listen in.*
[12:50] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "That's even better than I imagined. Ouch."
[12:50] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Jesus, what a bitch."
[12:50] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "She must like me. She only used the .45."
[12:51] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "At least Sonnac would ;have said 'no' politely."
[12:51] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Did anyone approach Sonnac?"
[12:51] [#SARP] [*Saunabath]: "Speaking of, has he said anything about getting them folks away?"
[12:53] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I actually haven't checked with him," she admits. "Probably because I know he'd say 'no' politely."
[12:53] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I didn't talk to Sonnac, but I did talk to Agent Kobayashi. He used words like 'tricky', if I recall correctly."
[12:53] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "That doesn't sound like a no, at least."
[12:54] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I was told something interesting, though. It sounded like we were gonna get some more help with this."
[12:55] [#SARP] [*Saunabath]: "Well Venice has their people in the island, so maybe he can tag along when they get out."
[12:55] [#SARP] [*Saunabath]: "Or if they get out."
[12:55] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I like to use words like that as a euphemism for 'no', but as he's a more sincere and straightforward person than I am, yeah, there's a little hope."
[12:56] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "You remember that guy from Oxford, Adiyodi? He said he would arrange for a couple of people to join us and assist."
[12:56] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Is that wise? For most, a trip to Solomon Island is a one-way journey."
[12:57] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She smiles thinly. "He said they had 'protections.'"
[12:58] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Hmm, Adiyodi.., Well, might as well see. Although he is apparently my advisor/sponsor I haven't talked to him that often, but won't doubt that he has capabilities we are not aware of at this point."
[12:58] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "So I'm guessing they're Bees, or have some kind of magical, well, protections."
[12:58] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Or he just sees them as expendable."
[12:59] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "He didn't strike me as that type, but it's possible. I..."
[13:00] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She catches sight of Lily and Alex. "Oh... excuse me, are you two from the University?"
[13:00] [#SARP] [*Saunabath]: "Hopefully former. We already have plenty of people to feed here."
[13:01] [#SARP] [Freon]: ((I am guessing this is my cue?))
[13:02] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: *Lily looks up from her smartphone, closing it and putting it in her pocket* "I think I'm one of those you talked about, I guess? Although I prefer not to be expendable.."
[13:02] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "So do we all."
[13:03] [#SARP] [Freon]: *slowly approaches the group, from the police station* I will say, you must be the people I am looking for?" *an easy smile on my face*
[13:03] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Funny money on honey. I think bees."
[13:03] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: "I can imagine, although you don't seem like an.. Investigative crew.. And well, I don't really have wings or sting as far as I know, sorry.."
[13:04] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Hello! My name is Yuri Bahana, and welcome to the erstwhile British Museum of the Occult forward security slash rogue research team. And you?"
[13:05] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: Lily, from the Oxford communications and journalist faculty.
[13:05] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: ((Give her a pistol, she'll do ok))
[13:06] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Oh, faculty!"
[13:06] [#SARP] [Freon]: "Where are my manners? I am Alex, I am a... Troubleshooter of sorts. a friend of a Friend"
[13:06] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I'm Lynn Pierce, from Temple Hall. Welcome to our, ah, study group," she says with a wry smile, as if thinking of a private joke
[13:07] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "I myself am only an advanced degree candidate but have luckily not had to teach much yet."
[13:07] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Dennison Crane, at your service. It's nice to see some new faces, even if I won't show mine."
[13:08] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Her wry smile turns almost bitter. "Well, Alex, there's plenty of trouble to shoot here."
[13:08] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: "Um, yes.. I'm a fresh student still.. Considering what I've seen, I doubt I would be sent here for no reason at all. Unless I really flunked the admission test.."
[13:08] [#SARP] [*Saunabath]: "I'm Laurell. Nice to meet you."
[13:09] [#SARP] [Freon]: *looks around* "A pleasure to meet you all"
[13:09] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: "Indeed, a pleasure."
[13:09] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Oh, oops. My mistake, you'd think after a few years in London I'd remember that faculty doesn't mean teacher on this side.
[13:09] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I'm sure you weren't sent here as a punishment," she says in an attempt to be reassuring.
[13:10] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I'm not. Wait until you see more of this place."
[13:10] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: *Lily grins slightly* "I doubt it either. But we'll see why our mutual friend thinks you need a studying journalist, hmm?"
[13:10] [#SARP] [*Saunabath]: "You'll both find plenty of stuff to do here, no worries."
[13:11] [#SARP] [*Saunabath]: "So have you been briefed on what is going on here?"
[13:11] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "A journalist?" Lynette looks surprised... possibly hopeful. "Well, that could come in handy eventually."
[13:12] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Well, hopefully on both what's going on with the island in general, and what specifically we're up to."
[13:12] [#SARP] [Freon]: "Now, now, let''s not be pessimistic. not yet, at least"
[13:13] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: "I was told this place has been through a lot, and I can easily see that just being here for a few hours.. Wasn't given specific details on your assignment though."
[13:13] [#SARP] [Freon]: "I mean, the place seems to have gone to the dogs, but it is nowhere near as bad as some places Ive been... though the walking dead are a bit of an Issue, I'll grnat you"
[13:14] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "It's the demons I lose sleep over. Though I think they're a side-effect of what's happening here, not the cause."
[13:14] [#SARP] [Freon]: "I will admit my brief was a bit on the brief side too"
[13:16] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Specifically, we've been working on gathering evidence of some really nasty shit Orochi has been up to here. You've seen some of those monsters coming in from the sea, on your way to this police station, I'm sure. Orochi is experimenting with using organs and limbs from those cadavers on test subjects."
[13:16] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: "I think zombies, demons and sea monsters were mentioned, along with a japanese sounding group that made things worse?"
[13:17] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Orochi Group, an eight-corporation conglomerate that has shown considerable appetite for exploiting the occult."
[13:17] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "The Orochi Group, yes. Biggest corporation in the world."
[13:17] [#SARP] [Freon]: *face takes a sour look* "Orochi? I know of them."
[13:17] [#SARP] [Freon]: *sigh* "They behind this mess?"
[13:17] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Ever get gas at a Sycoil station? Buy a Manticore camera? Get meds from a Pletheron pharmacy? Then you know Orochi."
[13:18] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Ever drank a Bingo cola? You'll never drink another one now."
[13:18] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Ugh. I shudder to think."
[13:18] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Well... they're not behind everything on this island. But a fair amount of crap, yes."
[13:19] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "You ever hear of the Council of Venice?"
[13:19] [#SARP] [Freon]: "As much as everybody will admit"
[13:19] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: "Bingo and Manticore I know of.. And yes, I've heard of the council."
[13:20] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "That's a timesaver. How about Nathaniel Winters?"
[13:21] [#SARP] [Freon]: "That name I do not know..." *pauses thoughtfully* "He in the Council?"
[13:21] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: "Not a name I know either, sorry.."
[13:21] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette rubs her forehead and looks at Yuri, commenting, "It's sad, but I'm only now realizing how screwed up this island really is."|
[13:21] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Nah, he's like the Richard Branson of New England. Old money. He sold something to the Orochi group, but the courier didn't make it."
[13:21] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "You will, the more time you spend here."
[13:22] [#SARP] [*Saunabath]: "Winters is a business man of sorts. Owns the old amusement park down south from here."
[13:22] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: "Well.. What is your mission then? To unscrew this island, or just.. Salvage what you can?"
[13:22] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "The Council boys took in the courier, patched him up. Which means they had access to the courier's briefcase."
[13:23] [#SARP] [Freon]: "...I see."
[13:23] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "The info in there is weeks old, but it may shed some light on what Orochi's goals here were. Or more, who knows?"
[13:24] [#SARP] [Freon]: "... please tell me you aren't planning on hitting council operatives"
[13:24] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Our mission is to find out as much as we can, from an academic standpoint. We have an auxiliary purpose of bringing in relief to survivors. We have branched into... more direct activism that stretches the definitions of those two."
[13:25] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She nods in agreement with Yuri. "Like she said."
[13:25] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: *Lily nods slightly, looking at the group* "Well, it will be a good story, at least."
[13:26] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "No, I assure you, no one's planning on assassinating Council personnel," she says hurriedly
[13:26] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Those are the big puzzle pieces at the moment, but we haven't put them all together yet. And of course, there's the Polaris, the demons, and who knows what other puzzles with their pieces mixed into ours."
[13:26] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Although I'll say nothing about Orochi people," she adds darkly
[13:27] [#SARP] [Freon]: "I see, that is an important distinction... Like I said, I know of Orochi and I wouldnt have an issue with them meeting Susanoo"
[13:28] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: Yuri cocks her head on one side as she mulls over the reference to a Japanese deity.
[13:28] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Susano -- oh, a mythology joke, nice." She doesn't seem all that amused, but seems to at least appreciate the wordplay
[13:29] [#SARP] [*Saunabath]: "You'll likely find this out anyway, so might as well tell. We did shut down Orochi operation up at the airport."
[13:29] [#SARP] [Freon]: "Anythong of note there?"
[13:29] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: "Mythology knowledge may help us out here, at least."
[13:30] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We found a fair amount, yeah. Already forwarded what we found to Temple Hall and the Museum. Dennison forwarded it to the Labyrinth too."
[13:30] [#SARP] [Freon]: "It is surprisingly helpful in this line of work"
[13:30] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "But there's likely more stuff to be found."
[13:30] [#SARP] [*Saunabath]: "That's where they did most of the medical research."
[13:32] [#SARP] [*Saunabath]: "They still have a small camp by the bridge up north. We promised to bring them supplies at some point."
[13:33] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We owe them, sort of, because they helped us take out the airport facility."
[13:33] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: "You shut down an Orochi camp, but going to help another one?"
[13:34] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Ever heard the old saying about the left hand not knowing what the right is doing?"
[13:34] [#SARP] [Freon]: "I think the more noteworthy bit is the part where that Orochi camp helped you shut down the other? I understood that correctly?"
[13:34] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: "Hmm.. Sounds like rivals within the conglomorate itself then."
[13:34] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "A handful of agents, yes. They didn't approve of what their superiors were up to, and opted to ignore our actions against the others."
[13:35] [#SARP] [Freon]: "An Orochi grew a concience? now I know these are the Enddays"
[13:35] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Yes, you did. Not everyone in Orochi is aware of the sick shit some subsidiaries get up to. Some are genuinely horrified by it, some see a chance to advance themselves or their agenda. If we can use them to save ourselves trouble, maybe stir up dissention in their ranks..."
[13:36] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She snorts. "Orochi personnel stuck in the field eitehr tend to grow consciences, or to turn into monsters, figuratively or literally."
[13:37] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Admittedly, the latter is likelier, but..."
[13:37] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Particularly here. I rather think the higher-ups are sending agents they see as problematic."
[13:37] [#SARP] [Freon]: "...hope springs eternal?" *says with a raised eyebrow*
[13:37] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Admittedly, the latter is likelier, but..."
[13:37] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Particularly here. I rather think the higher-ups are sending agents they see as problematic."
[13:37] [#SARP] [Freon]: "...hope springs eternal?" *says with a raised eyebrow*
[13:38] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: "Considering what I've seen, monsters seem to be very likely indeed." Lily adds a bit darkly, looking towards the barricades.
[13:38] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "And you can bet that doesn't go unnoticed," she says. "Let me drop off the meds for Doc Bannerman, and we'll head out to the bridge."
[13:41] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Oh, hello."

"Doctor." Lynette pulls out several small cases of medical ampules and pill bottles. "As promised."
[13:41] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Yes, thank you very much. I think these will be most helpful." He smiles at them, his eyes flickering over Lynette and Yuri for a moment
[13:44] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette gets a distasteful look on her face, but nods. "Right, well..." She waves awkwardly and heads for the door. "Let's go."
[13:47] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Hmm, well as much as I'm sure they love to see me show up in full Orochi costume, I'm afraid the Prof just called. I think the sponsors want to hold a brief consultation with me. At home."
[13:48] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Between you and Laurell I'm sure everyone's in capable hands."
[13:48] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynnete looks at her, surprised, but nods. "Good luck, then."
[13:48] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: "Oh? Hopefully it's a good one and not a reprimand."
[13:48] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Don't get gutshot!"
[13:48] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Nah. I think the Prof is sweet on her," Lynette says with a slight smikle
[13:49] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Thanks, I'm sure they just want a progress report. And it's the Prof and Adiyodi. Sure they get into fistfights with each other but they don't gutshot people. I think."
[13:49] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I think they wave affidavits at each other instead."
[13:49] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "Don't break anything too badly before I get back."
[13:49] [#SARP] [Freon]: "Please, do not tempt Murphy"
[13:50] [#SARP] [*Saunabath]: "We'll try not to."
[13:50] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Good luck with the Prof."
[13:50] [#SARP] [*Yuriksha]: "'If there is more than one way of doing something, and one of them can lead to disaster, someone will do it.' So plan against the wrong ways, if possible."
[13:52] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She sighs. "Let's go talk to the happy couple."
[13:52] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: Happy couple?
[13:52] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "The lead Orochi scientists for this group. I'm half certain they have a secret relationship going on."
[13:53] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: *Lily looks around at the camp curiously, she raises her smartphone to perhaps take a few pictures but thinks better of it. Instead she tries to discreetly write things in her notepad*
[13:53] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "And they're half certain they're going to die here, so if a little subtle flirting gets them through it, where's the harm?"
[13:54] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Lynette catches her scribbling in her notepad, and smiles slightly. "Take thorough notes. When we can start telling people, I'd like to see it be as detailed as possible."
[13:54] [#SARP] [Freon]: "Things have been rather grim since Tokyo... and this place is far from friendly"
[13:55] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: "Perhaps.. Still not sure how much of it will be edited, if not just censored."
[13:55] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Though I'd use some caution in who you tell, and how. Certain parties will try to keep that story untold,"
[13:56] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "So I was thinking tafetta for --" Radcliffe looks up in surprise as they approach. "H-hello. I wasn't sure when -- or if -- we'd see you again. Did you guys every catch up with the courier?"
[13:56] [#SARP] [Freon]: *noncomittal hum*
[13:56] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I'm fairly certain they did," Blake notes.
[13:57] [#SARP] [*Saunabath]: "We did find him, yes."
[13:57] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Blake cocks his head, studying him. "I trust he was helpful."
[13:57] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: *Lily casually leans against the car, listening to the conversation, glancing at the map on the hood, a bit curiously as she tries again to take discreet notes*
[13:58] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "What was on him was," she answers obliquely
[13:59] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She offers the messenger bag. "Not much in it, but it should help lighten your peoples' moods for awhile."
[14:00] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe takes the bag, and nods at what she sees in it. "Thank you. Every little bit helps, I guess."
[14:01] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I suppose you're not here purely out of altrustic reasons," Blake says bluntly.

"Harry!" Radcliffe protests... although she says nothing to disagree with it
[14:03] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "I wish I could argue that," Lynette says reluctantly
[14:04] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Well?" Blake says. "Ask. I doubt we can get in any deeper trouble with the corporation now."
[14:04] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "Still no word from on high?"
[14:05] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: *Lilly remains quiet, looking around at the camp, taking a few notes*
[14:06] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Just canned replies," Radcliffe says. "The girl on the other end of the comm line tries to sound sincere, but you can only hear 'Orochi Core is aware of your dilemma and is working to resolve it' so many times."
[14:07] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: She eyes Lily, surprised to see someone taking notes this time, but says nothing to stop her.
[14:08] [#SARP] [Freon]: *slowly makes a note of all the fortifications, positions of guards and loadouts in a covert manner*
[14:08] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "So?" she says, sounding a little tired. "What can we help you with now."
[14:08] [#SARP] [*Saunabath]: "Ah, Anansi customer service handles your internal communications as well, I take it."
[14:09] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "How did you know?" Blake says with remarkable lack of irony. (or maybe supreme irony. it's hard to tell)
[14:10] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: *Lily smiles briefly at Radcliffe, perhaps trying to reassure her. Either way, she tucks down the notepad for a while*
[14:11] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Two things, and I do really hope we won't have to ask any more of you." Lynette says, and she sounds sincere. "One, we need the old airport site kept clear for about an hour. We need to pick through it again."
[14:11] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: The two of them exchange looks again, more bemused than anything else. "We can do that," Radcliffe says. "And the other?"
[14:13] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Access to the island that the Polaris is beached on," Lynette explains. "I'm certain there's something more there that we need to look at
[14:13] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: ."
[14:14] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "That'll be harder to manage right now," Radcliffe says quickly
[14:14] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Well, the sooner you can manage it, the sooner we'll be out of your hair," Lynette says, an atypical whipcrack in her tone
[14:14] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Radcliffe blinks, not having expected that
[14:15] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: Blake actually takes a couple of steps closer to Radcliffe, his body language clearly protective
[14:15] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: *Reviled also blinks in surprise.*
[14:15] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We'll arrange it," he says coldly. "We'll contact you when we have it."
[14:15] [#SARP] [*Saunabath]: "Last time you flew us in. Don't you have helicopters left?"
[14:16] [#SARP] [Freon]: *raises an eyebrow*
[14:16] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "We have some, but their main refueling facility was the installation you... what is the term? 'Took out.' They only have enough fuel for occasional, brief flights at present."
[14:17] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Fine," Lynette says, her tone now milder.
[14:17] [#SARP] [Blademoon]: "Hmm.. I doubt getting helicopter fuel is the same as getting car fuel?"
[14:17] [#SARP] [*Saunabath]: "Have any gotten out of the fog to the mainland?"
[14:18] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "There are distinct differences," Blake says, sounding faintly annoyed at the question
[14:18] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "No. None that we are aware of."
[14:18] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: "I could contact our cyber-security goddess at the Labyrinth. We might be able to divert one of Orochi's fuel supply drops from another outpost to this location."
[14:18] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "That... would be appreciated." His tone is warmer now, but still wary.
[14:19] [#SARP] [Margin-Call]: "Fine," Lynette repeats, tone still mild and yet still edgy. "Whatever this takes to work,"
[14:19] [#SARP] [*Reviled]: *Dennison nods.* I can't make promises, but I've seen her do more with less. I'll get on that."
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