What about some kind of public service? We could set up an event where members go out into the wild and help newbies?
1) Coordinate with Zweihander to do "teaching" runs of NMs for new players? Could broadcast it in Agartha to cast as wide a net as possible. Not sure what other channels would be viable (maybe RFG could plug us?). Stepping from elite to NM is daunting, more so because people use lingo and such that isn't standard to other MMOs.
2) Alternatively, maybe we could offer runs of the first five normal dungeons? I know there's not really much loot there, but people have the dungeon quests and usually aren't prepped to figure out what they're doing
3) Maybe some kind of teaching thing? Like...a functional OOC seminar on how AEGIS works for newbies?
As a separate event - definitely but this one is not just for 9S, its for lots of cabals to participate in just like the cabal fair we ran last year
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
I am not sure if this will work as part of a parade but how about we make a grand entrance at our starting position?
Before the parade starts we all reset (go into anima form) at 'our' spot except one. At the start of the parade you only see one of Nine Swords. Then, with a fancy elemental summon or something we all get back into our bodies and voilá (that's French): there is a whole battalion of Nine Swords!
Or we could do the parade in anima form. Announcher:"And here is Nine Swords. If you want to see them you will have to go into anima form!"
"...the prosaic materialism of the majority condemns as madness the flashes of super-sight which penetrate the common veil of obvious empiricism." - H.P. Lovecraft
Proud member of Nine Swords - Leader of the Rapier Division
I like idea 1 - though we may have struggles if the zone gets filled up with how long it takes to respawn (maybe?)
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
Respawning at the same time and the number of respawners is something that we can practice on. The only thing you can't judge (I think) is the effect of the number of spectators on the game (lag). That can be helped if we all set our game parameters to minimum no ?
I shall tolerate no Evil. I shall stand by my comrades in arms, and guard their backs! I vow no Brother or Sister shall enter the battlefield without the knowledge, skill and equipement needed to overcome Evil.
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
Would anyone please be interested in making a fancy clicky script? General information about date, time, location, why, contact person
If you find yourself forced to mercilessly slaughter your teammates because they become infected with some rare mutation, keep in mind that you are only doing your job -
They would do the same for you.
Just a idea seeing how it was mentioned before but as far as helping noobies threw dungeons and what not, we could broadcast in Sanctuary. I mean when you want to find newbies to help everyone knows Sanctuary is loaded. Heck doing something like that would probably rack in the recruits but you know then we don't want to get over loaded. Back to regularly scheduled programming lol.
This is not my office.......It's hell with florescent lights!!!