Roll call

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Re: Roll call

Post by Aberlour »

Timezone: PST/PDT (GMT -8/GMT -7). Currently GMT -7
Playtime: Currently commuting 100 miles each way to work, so I mostly play Saturday (Generally all day, or at least from GMT evenings (18:00 or so) to PST evenings (Generally 16:00 PST or so).
Gear: Heads and non NYR majors are at 10.7 for all roles. Slowly working on weapons.
AEGIS: A mix of 1.9-2.0 shield and damage capacitors, and my controllers range from 1.5-2.0. Have no healing capacitors.

I definitely am interested in the new NMs and NM raids as soon as I can get my AEGIS to 1.9. I also am interested in getting to 11 and get my AEGIS to 3.0, but am in no rush. I am not one to grind, especially with my reduced playtime at the moment, and prefer to run the content I like best -- dungeons. I pretty much ignore the challenges at the moment outside of the dungeon one.
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Re: Roll call

Post by LeMort »

A comment to when I play.

I'm often online from 08-09am GMT --> and comes on and off throughout the day. Often drops by when the dailys changes.
BUT, I do play evenings as well, just not every night.
Weekends I'm more online friday and sundays than saturdays.
I also play during the night when I can't sleep.

Sounds like I play a lot! :-) Naaah, not that much

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Re: Roll call

Post by Tazetta »

Timezone: GMT
Playtime: Most evenings /weekend - but with 4 kids play time can vary a lot...
Gear: DPS Mix of 10.1-10.4.4 (EF Rating 92) - Healing Kit still around the 10.1/10.2 - Tank (Not bothering with atm)
AEGIS: One 10.8 controller, rest of controllers and shields around 10.2 mark.

Would be interested in any dungeon/raid when my gear is good enough....
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Re: Roll call

Post by anubys83 »

Hey everyone,

I am available between 8pm and 11pm Central Time (3am to 6am GMT???) nearly everyday of the week. On Weekends i can sometimes push the end time by an hour or two. Currently working on getting ready for Blue Mountains, but I would eventually like to be able to do NM Dungeons. I'm pretty new to the game and i haven't done any content post Blue Mountains, so i would definitely like to finish the story as well.

Right now i am focused on filling out my solo build, seeing as I am still under 200 ap total (i think), but i will eventually be a healer or dps depending on what the Cabal needs. Can't wait to start doing some content with you guys (probably be a bit till i can get caught up enough). Hope everyone is enjoying the Halloween season, and The Park.

~Anubys83 (Osyrys in game)
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Re: Roll call

Post by Marlolini »

sorry, forgot about this one!

GMT+1, playing most evenings and a lot during weekends.

Currently working on getting main role gear to .7 and .9 (which takes a while when you do all roles xD) . Aegis mostly at 2.0 with one controller at 2.3 and another in 2.1. All blue capasitors for all roles.
Interested in all new group content
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Re: Roll call

Post by Floryn »

Time when most available - please use GMT so I can understand a unified time
Usually every day from 19.00 GMT - 21.30ish GMT, also during the day on Wednesdays and in the weekend.

Current Members Nearly at 2.0

That would be me.

Members wanting to get to 3.0
Yes, me.

QL Gear
Members main roll nearly at 10.7.5

Sort of, DPS gear at 10.5.5, some at 10.7.5 but first working on my scenario build.

Members wanting to get main roll to 11.05
Yes, me.

NM Runs
Members wanting to run new NM dungeons


Members wanting to run NM Raids
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Re: Roll call

Post by Katelin »

(Thank you, Floryn! Stealing your work and editing slightly :p)

Usually every day from 19:00 GMT - 21:00ish GMT

AEGIS Nearly at 2.0

Members wanting to get to 3.0
Yes, me too.

QL Gear:
Tank gear at 10.5.5 to 10.7.5

Members wanting to get main roll to 11.05
Yes, me too.

NM Runs
Members wanting to run new NM dungeons

Me too!

Members wanting to run NM Raids
Me too!
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Re: Roll call

Post by Shock G »

Just one note on me.

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Re: Roll call

Post by boyinleaves »

Heya Blue.

Almost have all 2.0 controllers now.

I want to get to 3.0

I'd like to run as many NM dungeons as I have time for.

I'd like to participate in NM raid content (though I will no doubt have to get up early to do so)

QL of gear is:

DPS 10.5.5 average

Tanking 10.4.5 average

Healing 10.4.4 average

Leeching 10.4.5 average

I would like to get all roles to 11.5 eventually

Usual playtime is 6:30-8pm GMT and 6am-10am GMT
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Re: Roll call

Post by Phanth »

Phanth here...

Time zone: GMT+8 (Seoul Korea), evening is best, sometimes afternoon on weekends
Nearly all 10.9.5 for DPS
AEGIS @ 1.9

Can tank/leech most nm dungeons if needed, but DPS is best.

Interested in new NM, new NM raid.
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