Razorgrin is stepping down from leading our recruitment division, but has assured me we should see them in game again more soon! Please all join me in thanking Razorgrin for their energy and time spent in the leadership of our Recruitment Division for the last two years.
The SWL Valentine's event is active. For anyone that needs information about what the event includes - head over to the usual place! https://www.tswdb.com/events/valentines-day/
It feels slightly understated to say that 2022 was quite a year. All over the world we have seen moments of joy, though those have been so often unfortunately overshadowed and engulfed by such sorrow and pain.
I am certain I am not alone in being thankful for the time we have spent together in game. Our safe haven through our monitors. I am grateful for each and every one of you who has contributed to Nine Swords' ongoing success and activity. Keep making sure we all feel seen, heard and included. Each time you do this, our members and the wider SWL community are so positively impacted. You all matter so much.
To each of you, your loved ones and families - we wish you a hopeful, happy and healthy 2023.
Agartha is bedecked with seasonal decorations, snow and festive cheer! Come and join us in game for the hourly Steps to Niflheim portal, help us hunt down Krampus so we can go and make sure to get us all some socks & achievements - and from the 15th December 2022 you can start getting your hands on the log in rewards.
If you are new to the Winter Events in our Secret World you can get a great overview at https://tswdb.com/events/winter-holidays/
The event is running through until the 6th of January 2023.
See you all ingame! and of course - Happy Holidays, 9S!
Samhain 2022 is here, the log in rewards are active from today.
Looking forward to seeing you all for the hourly boss!
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